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Prof Triggered by ‘Fake News’ Event Featuring Katie Pavlich

Prof Triggered by ‘Fake News’ Event Featuring Katie Pavlich

“hosted by Young Americans for Freedom”

The professor has encouraged his students to go after Pavlich like mad dogs. Isn’t that pleasant?

The College Fix reports:

Professor triggered by conservative students’ ‘Fake News’ event

A request to grant extra credit to students who attend an upcoming guest lecture by Fox News commentator Katie Pavlich at Kennesaw State University on the subject of “Fake News” and liberal media bias has drawn the ire of one professor.

In an email exchange with the event’s student organizer, Business Law and Ethics Professor Neil Wilkinson wrote he will agree to give his 225 students extra credit if they attend, but also encourage them to go after Pavlich like a “mad dog in a meat store.”

The event, slated for March 7, is hosted by Young Americans for Freedom and aims to “celebrate women’s month by hearing from speaker Katie Pavlich as she discusses the ways in which media is being used as leftist propaganda,” according to the group’s Facebook page.

The email exchange was prompted by Young Americans for Freedom’s request to various professors to allow students who attend to earn extra credit, as it’s apparently a common practice for educators to dole out such credit for other campus groups’ speaker events.

In his response, Wilkinson expressed distaste for the use of the phrase “fake news” in a promotional poster for the event. Created by YAF, the term was stamped on the face of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.


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Paul In Sweden | February 11, 2018 at 4:22 pm

Students acting as political agents of leftist professors earn extra credit. This seems academically suspect.

johnnycab23513 | February 12, 2018 at 9:02 am

I hope the snowflakes are prepared to do battle. Katie does not cry and run. If this so called “professor” is so brilliant, let him challenge her to debate fake news. That would be worth the price of a ticket!

Katie is a good friend of the 2nd Amendment. Keep that in mind if you plan to take her on.

“Germany’s 1933 civil service law applied to university professors as well as elementary and secondary-school teachers. . . . Many student fraternities and other student groups already banned Jews and regularly protested against professors they believed did not support supposed traditional German values. . . . With the passage of the new law, the Nazis attempted to root out any dissent to their policies and ideology that remained in German higher education.”
