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Over 75 Percent of College Students Say it’s Easy to Buy Drugs

Over 75 Percent of College Students Say it’s Easy to Buy Drugs

“49 percent of students surveyed say they actually purchased these illegal substances on campus”

Drug abuse is an easy way to fail when you’re in college. This should concern parents of students.

The Washington Examiner reports:

More than 75 percent of college students say it’s ‘very easy’ or ‘easy’ to buy drugs

College students report that it is “very easy” or “easy” to score drugs, according to a new study of students who used drugs during college. Fewer than 5 percent said it is difficult for college kids to buy drugs.

Shockingly, 49 percent of students surveyed say they actually purchased these illegal substances on campus.

Moreover, the study did not include marijuana, what is thought to be the less addictive, and more readily accessible drug, due to its varying legality across states. Instead, the study looked only at the ease of access to cocaine, crack, ecstasy, heroin, LSD, mushrooms, Xanax, OxyContin, and methamphetamines.

Examining the monthly cost of drugs for students, researchers found that Florida State University had the highest average spending per month at $290, closely followed by California State University, Fullerton, at $261 and Florida International University at $253 per month.

Of the schools surveyed, the University of Georgia had the lowest reported student budget for illegal drugs, $27 per month, perhaps due to a stricter alcohol and drugs policy.


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Of the schools surveyed, the University of Georgia had the lowest reported student budget for illegal drugs, $27 per month, perhaps due to a stricter alcohol and drugs policy.

Wishful thinking.

You get low prices when the product is plentiful and easily available.

Woo Hoo, Yellow Snake? Where are you? Children are dying!!