The list she published had no evidence and was created through crowd sourcing. What a dumb decision.
The College Fix reports:
Student faces expulsion after publishing evidence-free list of alleged campus sexual assaulters
A student at Middlebury College says she’s facing expulsion after publishing a crowd-sourced list of reputed sexual assaulters under the banner of “Men to Avoid.”
The list, posted to Facebook in December under the “friends of friends” privacy setting, offered no evidence to back claims that included emotional abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape by students at the Vermont private college.
Middlebury senior Elizabeth Dunn posted the list in order to “move toward a conversation” about sexual assault that was inspired by the #MeToo movement, she told Vermont alternative weekly Seven Days.
While the post originally began as a lone accusation against a man who had allegedly assaulted Dunn several years earlier, Dunn invited readers to “dm [direct message] me more names to add to this status.”
“The messages just started pouring in,” she told Seven Days. “There’s just a lot of collective pain and trauma that people have experienced here” at Middlebury, she added.

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Women like this are the fuel behind every incident where a real rape is not believed. If someone raped her then she should have gone to the police, not Facebook.
She deserves to be expelled. And sued.
Spot on.
Then she deserves to be expelled and sued for libel and defamation.
I agree. To be on such a list will impact a persons future. Sue the crap out of her. Demand a written public apology.
She is not marriage material. I will tell you that right now.