Metaphor for Middle East history: Palestinian rioters roll burning tires at Israelis, set own factory on fire

We probably shouldn’t laugh about this, because there’s some innocent Palestinian plastics factory owner who no longer has a business.

But then again, there’s something about this story that serves as a somewhat humorous metaphor for the Middle East dispute.

Via The Times of Israel, Palestinians Accidentally Burn Down Own Factory:

Palestinian protesters in the West Bank inadvertently burned down a local factory this week while confronting IDF soldiers near the West Bank city of Nablus.According to Hadashot news, protesters in the Nablus-area village of Beita on Sunday were clashing with IDF soldiers, and rolled burning tires in their direction.But one flaming tire had other plans and changed direction, rolling directly into a nearby plastics factory.The building went up in flames and the factory was completely destroyed.The report said Israeli firefighters arrived at the scene to help Palestinian Authority responders put out the fire.

This appears to be an image of the fire:

The Qusra Now Facebook page has several photos of the fire, which they blame on the Israelis:


The Mossad (parody account) is giving its agents the day off after this feat:

And the jokes keep on rolling in:

Is it possible that the Israelis somehow took control of the tire and made it turn in a different direction?

Well, if they can use lizards, sharks, birds and other assorted animals for spying, how easy would it be to use their famous mind control techniques on a tire?

Tags: IDF, Mossad, Palestinian Terror