McCain Associate Invokes Fifth Amendment on Trump Dossier Questions

An associate of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has invoked his fifth amendment rights to avoid answering questions on the dossier on President Donald Trump.

The House Intelligence Committee brought in David Kramer, a former State Department official, for an interview on the dossier in December. Then they served him with a subpoena in January and he did not for his hearing. Instead he invoked the fifth amendment.

From Fox News:

Yet Kramer gave a videotaped deposition last December in separate civil litigation against BuzzFeed about the dossier and his contact with the former British spy who compiled it, Christopher Steele. Steele was hired by opposition research firm Fusion GPS to write and research the dossier, with funding from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign.According to British court records obtained by Fox News as part of its ongoing investigation of the Trump dossier, Kramer was personally briefed in late November 2016 by Steele in Surrey, England. After that briefing, Steele told the British court that an arrangement was made so that Fusion GPS — co-founded by Glenn Simpson – would provide hard copies of the dossier to McCain via Kramer. Shortly afterward, the dossier was given to the FBI, which already had its own copy from Steele.

Fox News reached out to Kramer’s lawyer Marcos Jimenez, who is also “handling one of the defamation suits filed by Russian technology oligarchs against BuzzFeed for publishing the unverified dossier in January 2017.” The network asked him four questions:

Kramer’s next deposition in BuzzFeed suit should occur on February 27. We do not know if it will be available to the public.

Tags: John McCain, Trump Russia