Harvard Students Call for New Multicultural Center Claiming They Feel Excluded

Harvard bends over backwards to make sure all students feel welcome on campus but it’s still not enough.

The College Fix reports:

Harvard students renew call for campus ‘multicultural’ centerStudents at Harvard are agitating for a campus “multicultural center” due in part to the alleged exclusivity and inadequacy of the school’s current identity-based organizations.A town hall held last month, hosted by the Undergraduate Council and Multicultural Center Coalition, saw several students offering justifications for the new center ranging from “I don’t really feel comfortable or welcome at a lot of the cultural organizations that already exist” to “I think cultural organizations can sometimes be unintentionally excluding people,” according to a report in The Harvard Crimson.According to The Crimson, the moderators of the town hall—student government representatives Nicholas Whittaker and Salma Abdelrahman—presented a proposal from the student government’s Multicultural Center Coalition.That proposal included a “call for research into the history of minority communities and intercommunal relations at Harvard, in addition to looking at models of multicultural centers at other universities…The research will identify more specifically the current problem that exists and recommend whether a multicultural space comprises the most effective course of action.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Harvard