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Harvard Law Prof Wants to Lower Voting Age to 16

Harvard Law Prof Wants to Lower Voting Age to 16

“Teens between 14 and 18 have far better BS detectors”

Liberals are always looking for ways to expand their voter base. That’s all this is.

The Daily Caller reports:

Liberal Harvard Law Prof Wants To Lower Voting Age To 16

Liberal Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe wants to let 16 year olds vote because he thinks they have “far better BS detectors” than adults.

Tribe claimed that arguments against 16 year olds having the right to vote are similar to arguments against letting black people or women vote.

“Teens between 14 and 18 have far better BS detectors, on average, than ‘adults’ 18 and older. Wouldn’t it be great if the voting age were lowered to 16?” Tribe asked on Twitter. “Just a pipe dream, I know, but . . . #Children’sCrusade?”

Tribe dismissed a Twitter follower who suggested that children might not be able to exercise the independent judgement required for informed voting.

“Isn’t that just a case for much better K-12 education? Your argument echoes the one made in 1870 against giving former slaves the right to vote, in 1920 against giving women the vote, in 1971 against giving 18-year-olds the vote,” Tribe wrote.


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“Teens between 14 and 18 have far better BS detectors, on average, than ‘adults’”

I’m much older than that and I detect BS in this statement.

#Childrenscrusade is exactly right. Remember how that turned out?

“Teens between 14 and 18 have far better BS detectors, on average, than ‘adults’ 18 and older.”
Yeah, based upon what evidence? Typical of his type–big on stating things as fact, yet without one iota of evidence to support their “facts”.
I’m sick and tired of his type.

What an absolute, blithering idiot.

I guess he’s ignoring the fact that the brain is not fully developed until around age 25.
“In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala. This is the emotional part.”
Yes, get them while they are still using their emotions to vote rather than rational thought!

Raise the age to own a gun, but lower the age to vote?

How can someone so stupid be allowed to teach college students. He wants people that liberals can manipulate to vote. We should raise the voting age to 21. The voting, drinking, smoking age should be all be 21. 18 year olds should be able to sign legal contract for items like apartments and buying cars. If you are in the military you should be able to drink on base at a non com club.