Feminists at Yale Celebrate Valentine’s Day by Protesting Capitalism and Frat Culture
“a tradition rooted in capitalism and heteronormativity”
This is just further proof that feminism is about advancing the left’s agenda, not women.
The Daily Caller reports:
Yale Feminists Protest Capitalism And Frat Culture With Anti-Valentine’s Day Event
A group of Yale University students have come together to host an anti-Valentine’s Day event that takes aim at “a tradition rooted in capitalism and heteronormativity” and bashes fraternities because they don’t let females join.
“Are you going out this Wednesday out of respect a tradition rooted in capitalism and heteronormativity? Or have you slipped through the cracks to suffer the awkward, social consequences of aloneness on Valentine’s?” the anti-Valentine’s Day event organizers ask.
Hosted by the women’s and LGBTQ group Engender, the event will show “This World: Frat Boys,” a documentary that looks at the dark side of fraternities. The group makes its mission “to advocate for gender integration of Yale’s all-male fraternities given their disproportionate control over campus social life,” according to its website. The group pushes fraternities to accept women but does not display a similar fervor for integrating sororities.
The announcement of the Valentine’s Day event comes after the Associate Vice President of Student Life at Yale University Burgwell Howard sent an email to all of the university’s fraternities two weeks previously, encouraging them to let women join. Following that email, 10 women requested bids from the male fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, The Yale Daily News reported.

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They’re not happy unless they are miserable.
Ahem. I think it’s “they’re not happy until WE are miserable.” fify.
Well, yeah. That, too.
Maybe one of them could go on a date with resident troll Yellow Snake.
Jack, as much as these goofy feminists and yellow snake deserve each other, I don’t want to imagine what a date like that would entail. Perhaps torching a random business and a few cars while carrying signs protesting valentine flowers and candy?
If feminists were “dateable,” they wouldn’t be feminists.