Colgate Prof Questions Why Former VP Dick Cheney Was Invited To Speak at Cornell
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Colgate Prof Questions Why Former VP Dick Cheney Was Invited To Speak at Cornell

Colgate Prof Questions Why Former VP Dick Cheney Was Invited To Speak at Cornell

“Cheney masterminded a disastrous war based on the known lie”

There are few Republicans who inspire more fear and hatred from the left than former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Dr. Barbara Regenspan, a professor at Colgate University, wrote a letter to the Cornell Daily Sun objecting to an upcoming appearance by Cheney at Cornell.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: In Response to ‘Former Vice President Dick Cheney to Speak at Cornell This Spring’

To the Editor:

I write to raise a broad question about why, in the words of Austin McLaughlin, president of Cornell Republicans, Dick Cheney’s “40 Years In and Out of Government” qualifies him to speak at Cornell.

During those forty years, Cheney masterminded a disastrous war based on the known lie of Iraq’s possession of “weapons of mass destruction”— a war that killed thousands of US servicemen and at least 460,000 mostly civilian Iraqis as well as completely destabilizing a once-middle class country, setting the stage for the murderous ISIS insurgency.

Interestingly, this information is lacking in the unusually long Cornell Daily Sun article that presents Cheney as a thoughtful choice because of McLaughlin’s hope that he will be a “conversation starter” as well as the fact that a former Cornell professor named a beetle after him. (This last bit of trivia takes up three paragraphs of the article.)

In response to the implied lack of meaningful conversation at Cornell, I have an alternative “conversation” to propose: Should Cornell continue to pick up the large share of security fees related to Cheney’s visit?


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johnnycab23513 | February 4, 2018 at 11:49 am

Could it be because Vice President Cheney was Vice President of The United States of America among other offices he held, while Dr. Regenspan is merely an unamerican teacher of communist ideals.

Well I am so glad this supposed educator cleared that up, I mean who knew that the chemical weapons and manufacturing facilities that my friends disposed of and dismantled weren’t WMD’s!

Typical liberal idiot relying on a typical liberal lie.

“A once-middle-class country”.

For some definitions of “middle class”.