Social justice activism is usually associated with higher education. We have documented the campus antics of social justice warriors countless times. But what would happen if you started training children from grades K to 12 to become SJWs? One school system in Minnesota is doing just that, and the results are not good.
Katherine Kersten reports at the Weekly Standard:
Inside a Public School Social Justice FactoryFor decades, the public schools of Edina, Minnesota, were the gold standard among the state’s school districts. Edina is an upscale suburb of Minneapolis, but virtually overnight, its reputation has changed. Academic rigor is unraveling, high school reading and math test scores are sliding, and students increasingly fear bullying and persecution.The shift began in 2013, when Edina school leaders adopted the “All for All” strategic plan—a sweeping initiative that reordered the district’s mission from academic excellence for all students to “racial equity.”“Equity” in this context does not mean “equality” or “fairness.” It means racial identity politics—an ideology that blames minority students’ academic challenges on institutional racial bias, repudiates Martin Luther King, Jr.’s color-blind ideal, and focuses on uprooting “white privilege.”
The training starts in Kindergarten but reaches its peak in high school. Kersten notes:
The primary vehicle in the indoctrination effort is a year-long English course—required of all 10th-graders—that centers, not on reading literature and enhancing writing skills, but on the politicized themes of “Colonization,” “Immigration” and “Social Constructions of Race, Class and Gender.”One student characterized the course this way on the “Rate My Teachers” website: “This class should be renamed . . . ‘Why white males are bad, and how oppressive they are.’”
Kersten goes on to describe a father who pulled his child out of Edina schools because he escaped from Nicaragua when he was a child and came to America to be free from Marxist propaganda.
Kersten also points to statistics which show declining reading and math scores.
Read her entire report here.
The featured image of this post is from a real ABC book used in the schools titled “A is for Activist” which features pages like “F is for Feminism” and “T is for Trans.”
Last fall, a conservative think tank based in Minnesota called Center of the American Experiment began sounding the alarm about what was happening in Edina schools. Tom Mason wrote:
A Curriculum of Political Indoctrination in Edina’s Public SchoolsAn investigation by writer Katherine Kersten released today exposes systematic political indoctrination of students in Edina public schools, beginning as early as kindergarten, all while the district’s long time reputation for academic excellence experiences a notable decline…American Experiment President John Hinderaker first exposed Edina’s left-wing classroom activism in a series of posts on the Center’s website earlier this year. He cited how 80 Edina High School teachers posted what amounted to a left-wing political manifesto following the election of Donald Trump as president. His initial post prompted an outpouring from parents, students and even some Edina teachers, who condemned other elements of extreme partisanship. They described how:- A teacher tearfully told a classroom of 100 students that “the election was rigged.”- Another teacher announced to a class that “Trump winning was worse than 9/11 and the Columbine shooting.”- Students gathered in the high school commons on election day chanting “F*** Trump,” while teachers watched on, doing nothing.
A PDF version of the article can be read entirely here, starting on page 26.
This is a public school. People need to know this is happening because if nothing changes, in a decade or less, this will be the norm, not the exception at other public schools in America.
Featured image via YouTube.