Young America’s Foundation Free Speech Lawsuit Against Berkeley Backed by DOJ

This lawsuit has to do with the school charging outrageous fees to conservative groups.Townhall reports:

DOJ Backs Young America’s Foundation Lawsuit Against Berkeley CensorshipThe Department of Justice has filed a statement of interest backing Young America’s Foundation in their free speech lawsuit against UC Berkeley. The lawsuit was filed late last year after the university repeatedly forced conservative students to pay extreme security fees to host speakers or face cancellation of their events. The university has special requirements and hurdles for conservative speakers that are not required for those who espouse leftist ideology.“This Department of Justice will not stand by idly while public universities violate students’ constitutional rights,” Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand said about the statement of interest.From DOJ:

The plaintiffs, Berkeley College Republicans (BCR) and Young America’s Foundation (YAF), allege that the University of California, Berkeley,enforced a double standard when applied to free speech. BCR alleges that UC Berkeley applied a more rigorous and highly discretionary set of rules to their organization compared to other campus groups, especially with respect to“high-profile” campus speakers.The plaintiffs filed the lawsuit as a result of excessive hurdles BCR faced in bringing speakers of their choice onto campus. They allege that UC Berkeley’s High Profile Speaker Policy and Major Events Policy violated their rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

Tags: College Insurrection, Free Speech