We Wish We Went to Samantha Power’s 2016 Election Watching Party
“I’ve had a lot of bad ideas in my life, but none as immortalized as this one”
Election night 2016 was something to behold. The mood on CNN and MSNBC went from delighted anticipation to downright funereal in a matter of hours. Apparently, former ambassador Samantha Power had an election watching party that night. Oh, to be a fly on the wall.
Power spoke of the event during an interview with Susan Glasser of Politico:
Glasser: Well, yes, actually, okay. So, Samantha, we might as well start with that, then, probably the most memorable scene to some people certainly—this incredible moment of election night in your big apartment in New York City, where you’re the ambassador to the United Nations. Tell us about that scene.
Power: Well, I’ve had a lot of bad ideas in my life, but none as immortalized as this one. I decided on election night to invite the 37 women ambassadors to the U.N., many of whom face struggles in their own foreign service, or at the U.N. of a kind that, as an American, I never did. And I thought what an amazing night for them. I mean, that’s what America represents to the world, when a glass ceiling is shattered in our country, it creates a whole new sense of possibility for people everywhere.
And so, I invited them. Most of them came, and we gathered with Madeleine Albright, our first woman secretary of state; Gloria Steinem, who is not only an icon here, of course, but all around the world, and we went through the same process, if you want to call it that, that so many people did at their election parties.
Many have speculated that the 2016 election sparked a form of mental illness in some people on the left. This interview fuels speculation over that.
Beckett Adams of the Washington Examiner rounds up some of the best moments:
Samantha Power’s account of her 2016 election watch party is either the saddest or the funniest thing you’ll read today
To be clear: Power’s greatest fear that evening was that it would be over too soon and that she wouldn’t have a proper chance to play uber-hostess.
“I wanted to milk the soft power dividend of this moment,” she told Politico.
We’re going to pause for a moment to let you reflect on the phrase “milk the soft power dividend of this moment.” Is there a better example of the sort of substance-free drivel that makes professional bureaucrats (and especially diplomats) sound so utterly ridiculous to the rest of the world?
At her 2016 viewing party, Power continued, “you really see what so many people went through, which was all of that sense of promise and excitement, and frankly, a dose of complacency. And then, it slowly dawning on us that not only was this going to be much closer than anybody anticipated, but that it was not going to end well.”
She add, “And for me, every time I see that, I am haunted most, actually, by the images of my children, who were running around the apartment for much of the night, but when the election is called, my daughter, who at that time is four, is just lying in my lap, kind of like this pale, Irish statue, and there’s something about the way she’s lying, I don’t know, that just makes her look like she’s the one who’s going to inherit … what he does is on her, right?”
The line about her desire to ‘milk the soft power dividend’was roundly mocked on Twitter:
That is how I imagine Vox editorial meetings sound.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) January 15, 2018
Folks, next time you’re embarrassed that you did a silly thing, feel smart with this POWERFUL justification:
“I wanted to milk the soft power dividend of this moment”— Micah Meadowcroft (@Micaheadowcroft) January 15, 2018
That’ll be the tagline for the HBO doc
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) January 15, 2018

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Let’s see….wasn’t it Samantha Powers who was removed from the Obama Campaign in ’08 for calling Hillary a MONSTER?
She illegaly “un-masked” thousands and thousands of innocent Americans’ data files so the Democrat Party and Hillary could carry out MORE crimes………
They say life gives you the face you’ve earned – just look at Sam the Moral Midget!
Getting to unmask Americans illegally with impunity must be one of them thar “soft power dividends” she was talking about.
As I read this article I laughed, contemplating imaginary scenerio’s for an appropriate ending to her night…then I read this line: “She add, “And for me, every time I see that, I am haunted most, actually, by the images of my children…”
WHO in their right mind allowed or encouraged this person to breed? Aren’t there enough mentally deranged elite’s in the world today? The ‘ultimate’ virtue signaling, reproducing a second generation nut case.
She’s married to Cass Sunstein, so those kids don’t have a chance at being “normal.”
They got everything wrong.
Presidential elections are not about breaking “glass ceilings”. Elections are not about electing the first Black President or the first female President, but about finding a pilot for this airplane that we are all riding. That’s what Presidential elections are about.
This lady forgot that she owes allegiance to the American people, ALL of us. Instead she went on a masturbatory power trip about “empowering women”, especially women who are NOT Americans and who probably hate America.
All these career politicians, bureaucrats, academics, etc., they are so used to milking the taxpayer money that they have become blind. They are riding the high horse, worrying about philosophical nonsense while the regular Americans shed blood, sweat and tears to pay their mortgages. Time to get rid of them.
I did not think that Trump was going to be a good President. I voted for him as the lesser of two evils because a Clinton presidency was, and still is unacceptable to me. Now he is proving me wrong on that respect and I could not be happier.
Anyone who followed the NYT tracking website knew it was over by 9:30.
Their tracking website continues to be good, as with the special elections.
“is either the saddest or the funniest thing you’ll read today”
But it’s only mid-morning. Some other bone-headed Democrat might do something even funnier. Ya know, like press a button saying that two nuclear missiles are on their way. And then NOT get fired. Something like that.
See Cory Booker “emote”. It’s close
“A lot of bad ideas” is quite an understatement. This is one of the idiots responsible for convincing Obama to use the U.S. military to take out Libya’s government — without any type of planning for what would happen next.
Power is a clueless fool, as is anybody who would allow her to be in a position to influence government policy.
Isn’t she the one who submitted LOTS of “unmasking” requests??? Pray tell, WHY would the U.N. ambassador have a need to “unmask” members of a presidential campaign?
ISTR her claiming that she knew nothing about many (most?) of the requests made in her name…
Over 260 requests and she testifies that some mysterious person somehow had the authority to make most of the requests in her name.
She’s a shitty liar.
Good lord is this what passes for a powerful woman these days?
No. This is what passes for a deranged, corrupt female pseudo-intellectual fascist hack.
And she presents an excellent example of it.
Married to Cass Sunstein. Gee, who knew?
I mean, that’s what America represents to the world, when a glass ceiling is shattered in our country, it creates a whole new sense of possibility for people everywhere.
That’s it? More than two and a quarter centuries of American history, and to her, blatant, tawdry sexism is its apotheosis?
This woman has the brain of a pig.
why are you insulting pigs? they’re smart…8-)
Apparently she never heard of Margaret Thatcher.
Or Indira Ghandi or Golda Meir.
Well, fascist pigs have the brains of a pig.
Not a fan but props to Samantha for being a good sport. Great Opening.
If I had a Delorean I would go back in time and relive that night repeatedly.
that’s what YouTube is for…
Samantha who?
over/under on HBO *never* releasing the footage?
No Harvey Weinstein joke yet?
I wish I were Bill Murray and my Groundhog Day was November 8th, 2016. Come to think of it, November 9th would probably be just as enjoyable.
Nov 8th or Nov 9th? Hmmm . . . Hmm . .
Embrace the power of AND.
She was mocking herself enough that additional was unnecessary. Really, she told the story with humor and grace.
On a much more serious note, Power was summoned before a Congressional Intel Committee and asked why there were in excess of a hundred unmaskings attributed to her signature.
She replied she never unmasked anyone and that someone was doing it in her name.
I believe her. She is Democrat, but Samantha Power is not a liar.
The matter went as quiet at a Las Vegas massacre. Why? This points to vast corruption in the FBI/DOJ/NSA/State D. Vast.
Yet we hear not a word.
“Samanatha Power is not a liar”
at least you’re bold in the face of so much evidence to the contrary. Are you…perhaps…. a spouse of Cass Sunstein 😉
It is impossible to believe that their so incompetent that they allowed someone to impersonate Susan Rice and don’t know who it was and she didn’t know.
“Election night 2016 was something to behold. The mood on CNN and MSNBC went from delighted anticipation to downright funereal in a matter of hours.”
CBS/NBC/ABC were fun to watch that night, too. I kept flipping the channel from one to another.
I don’t think I laughed out loud, literally, that hard for that long in at least a decade.
One of the more hilarious scenes — among many — was the look on the faces of the others on the set when Bob Schiffer tried brighten the mood by pointing out that Hillary still had a chance, when Pravda on the Hudson had her down to about a 2% probability of winning.
I don’t claim to be any smarter than the average bear, but in all honesty, I can only think of two or three bad ideas of my own in my 50 years; my mistakes based on my own very conservative judgment and planning tend to be mild at best. To openly admit to “a lot of bad ideas”—by a policy maker no less—is truly cringe-worthy, and massively indicative of the mentality of the Powers That Be.
It’s all good just as long as your intentions are noble.
I wanted to milk the soft power dividend of this moment
what does that even mean?
I believe the term for that phrase is “word salad”
As I saw pointed out elsewhere, the glass ceiling had already been shattered by people like Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi, Corazon Aquino, and Golda Meir.
So, I guess Hillary’s not worthy…
She has a four year old? Seems kind of long in the tooth for a four year old. What four year old is up that late? Well, maybe it was special–watching milking the soft dividend of power.
“Well, I’ve had a lot of bad ideas in my life, but none as immortalized as this one.”
Abraham Lincoln said that the world would “little note nor long remember” his Gettysburg Address, but she thinks her pathetic show of deflated hubris will be recounted until the End of Time. How typical of Obama appointees.
* SIGH * and they walk among us
“…you really see what so many people went through, which was all of that sense of promise and excitement, and frankly, a dose of complacency…”
Not much a baker either. She left out a major ingredient – arrogance.
Please. We wish we had gone.
Was the main appetizer “crow”?
Nope….That was served up as a tasty desert.
Her ” Track Record,” Doesn’t leave her with much creditability. Since when is your ” Sexual Orentation,” a criteria for Public Office ?