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UVA Tells Students to Call 911 if They See Offensive Flyers on Campus

UVA Tells Students to Call 911 if They See Offensive Flyers on Campus

“Policy on Exterior Posting and Chalking”

The University of Virginia is apparently doing everything they can to reinforce the perception of college students as snowflakes.

The Daily Caller reports:

University Of Virginia: If You See ‘Offensive Flyers,’ Call 911

The University of Virginia instructed students Friday to call 911 if they see “offensive flyers.”

The school told students that it was aware of an initiative to distribute “offensive flyers and memes” on campus Saturday and Sunday, according to an email obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“The reports indicate that the organizations are specifically interested in buildings and centers for under-represented groups, particularly Women’s Studies,” said Patrick D. Hogan, chief operating officer and executive vice president at the University of Virginia in the email.

“If you witness individuals engaged in suspicious activity, including posting offensive flyers or other material in violation of the University’s Policy on Exterior Posting and Chalking, please call 911,” instructed Hogan. “The University Police Department and the Ambassadors … will be maintaining an enhanced security environment across Grounds this weekend.”


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johnnycab23513 | January 21, 2018 at 12:22 pm

I would assume that this includes flyers advertising communist anti American speakers, promotions of perversions such as gender bending and same sex “marriage”, and promotions of the murder of the unborn babies!

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to johnnycab23513. | January 23, 2018 at 2:35 pm

    What’s UVA’s number?

    I saw an offensive flyer over their campus and I need to report it.

    Obama was flying better than Dumbo the Elephant over all college campuses for 8 years!

The Friendly Grizzly | January 21, 2018 at 12:45 pm

Oh, the regional emergency dispatch operators will LOVE handling these calls.

I foresee Alinsky #4 in their future:
Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.

UVA refers to: “centers for under-represented groups, particularly Women’s Studies.”

From U.S. News: “University of Virginia has a total undergraduate enrollment of 16,331, with a gender distribution of 45 percent male students and 55 percent female students.”

Has UVA ever been to UVA?

This is flagrant abuse of a system that is meant to help those who are experiencing real emergencies. Let’s hope someone who is having a heart attack doesn’t get bumped for a snowflake who gets “triggered” by a poster. Shame on UVA; they should know better.

Thought 911 calls are for emergencies & events that require police attention, not to stop speech that might make snowflakes upset.