Trump Wants $18 Billion for Wall Funding, Dems Threaten Govt Shutdown over DACA

Another government spending bill with a due date of January 19th is rapidly approaching. Democrats want a deal on DACA and Trump wants funding for the wall. Neither side shows any signs of backing down.

Samuel Chamberlain reports at FOX News:

White House seeks $18B to extend border wall over next 10 yearsThe Trump administration has asked Congress to set aside $18 billion over the next decade to install or replace more than 700 miles of the barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.The proposal by U.S. Customs and Border Protection would extend the barrier’s coverage to 970 miles, nearly half the distance of the southern border. It includes 316 miles of new construction and 407 miles of replacement or secondary fencing, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the matter told the Associated Press.The request is one of the most detailed insights into how the administration plans to carry out Trump’s signature campaign promise…The plan also comes as the administration intensifies negotiations in Congress on a package that may include granting legal status to about 800,000 people who were temporarily shielded from deportation under an Obama-era program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA.Trump said last year that he was ending DACA but gave Congress until early March to deliver a legislative fix.

It’s important to point out that the $18 billion Trump wants is just for border wall expansion and repair over 10 years. He’s seeking billions more for the wall’s construction.

Here’s a video report:

Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times says Trump is playing for keeps here:

Trump plays hardball: Border wall, more security must be in Dreamers dealThe White House is asking for full funding for the border wall, new authority to prevent another surge of illegal immigrant children and restrictions on so-called sanctuary cities all be included in any bill to grant legal status to illegal immigrant Dreamers.President Trump’s proposal, sent Friday to Capitol Hill, instantly roiled the debate, with Sen. Richard Durbin — Democrats’ chief negotiator in the discussions — saying his party was prepared to risk a government shutdown to avoid giving in to the president’s demands.The Homeland Security Department has specifically asked for authorization to build about $18 billion worth of new fencing on the border, sending long-awaited details of the plan to Capitol Hill.And the department reiterated that Mr. Trump’s October list of priorities must be part of the discussion. That list included the crackdown on sanctuary cities, new authority to reject bogus asylum applications and to quickly kick out new illegal immigrants, and a change in the current patterns of family-based chain migration.

Dems are threatening a government shut down if Trump doesn’t back down, via Politico:

A top Senate Democrat trying to hammer out a deal to protect hundreds of thousands of Dreamers trashed a White House border security plan on Friday, while warning that Washington is headed toward a government shutdown over the issue.Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the second-ranking Senate Democrat, called the Trump administration’s proposed new security measures an effort to undermine bipartisan negotiations on Capitol Hill — talks that have plodded along so far with no resolution in sight.

Robert Costa of WaPo reports that Dems think a shutdown is a winning issue for them:

For Trump, the border wall is a non-negotiable item. It was a major campaign promise and certainly part of the reason he won the election.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Dick Durbin, Shutdown 2018, Trump Immigration