Trump Reminds “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer” That DACA Negotiations Must Include a Wall

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) needs to snap back into reality. Look, the Democrats do not have control of Congress and Donald Trump is our president and it looks like Schumer still isn’t ready to accept the fact that he doesn’t have power. Even after he failed with the government shutdown he thinks he has negotiating power when he decided to take wall funding off the table.

Trump reminded “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer” that in order to receive protections for DACA, a bill must have funding for a wall.

(I’m still laughing at Cryin’ Chuck Schumer)

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told the media on Tuesday that it’s not just about the wall, according to Townhall:

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said during Tuesday’s press briefing the president does not accept the immigration proposal put forth by Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham (SC) and Jeff Flake (AZ), and Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin (IL).“In a bipartisan meeting here at the White House two weeks ago we outlined a path forward on four issues: serious border security, an end to chain migration, the cancellation of the outdated and unsafe visa lottery and a permanent solution to DACA,” Sanders said. “Unfortunately, the Flake-Graham-Durbin agreement does not meet these bench marks.”

Moderate Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) has gone against the minority leader, saying “that the border security measures, including the wall, that the president has called for are necessary.” Politico continued:

“Then you have the border, border security, border wall, whatever you want to call it. They’re getting into a tiff about this, Chris. We have to have border security. We know that. So if the president calls it a border wall, we do need wall. We need to repair some wall. We need to build some new wall. We need other technologies, too,” Manchin told CNN “New Day” host Chris Cuomo.”Fentanyl, which is a deadly drug, it comes mostly through the mail. Okay? Security, we talk about walls. We need everything. We need technology. We need drones. We need new agents We need border patrol. We also need dock patrol, basically, where it comes through our ports,” he added. “We need high-speed boats to intercept. We’re talking about all of this. So when you hear someone talk about just the wall, there’s a lot more than the wall and we’re going to do whatever it takes to secure this country.”

Tags: Chuck Schumer, DACA, Shutdown 2018, Trump Immigration