Trump has Extended Iran Nuclear Deal Again

Politico has reported that President Donald Trump has decided to extend the Iran nuclear deal. He stated, though, this will be his last waiver “unless the deal is strengthened by Congress and European allies.” Politico continued:

Trump faced a Friday deadline to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on Iran the U.S suspended as part of a 2015 nuclear agreement negotiated with Tehran by the Obama administration and five other nations.Trump is designating 14 Iranian individuals and entities with new sanctions unrelated to the nuclear deal, including the head of Iran’s judiciary, the official said. But he also expects Congress and European nations, with whom the White House has been negotiating new provisions cracking down on Tehran, to take action before he faces another deadline for extending the deal, officials said.

Trump came to this decision after he met with his national security team on Thursday.

This means that Congress and others have until May to change it when it comes up for renewal once more.

The Treasury Department passed sanctions on 14 people. From Fox News:

Trying to strike a balance, the Treasury Department’s separate sanctions were designated for 14 individuals and entities in connection with human rights abuses and censorship in Iran, and support to designated Iranian weapons proliferators.“The United States will not stand by while the Iranian regime continues to engage in human rights abuses and injustice. We are targeting the Iranian regime, including the head of Iran’s judiciary, for its appalling mistreatment of its citizens, including those imprisoned solely for exercising their right to freedom of peaceful assembly, and for censoring its own people as they stand up in protest against their government,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement Friday.

Tags: Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Trump Foreign Policy