Study Finds Many College Students Feel Unprepared to Enter Workforce

This is what happens when you spend four years attending protests and advocating for social justice instead of going to class and studying.

The Washington Examiner reports:

College students feel unprepared for workforceCollege students are frequently accused of living in a bubble, unaware of the realities they will face after graduation. However, a recent report suggests they deserve a bit more credit. According to a survey from Gallup and Strada Education Network, few college students feel confident that they actually have the skills and knowledge desired in the workplace.Seventy-three percent of incoming freshman between 2000 and 2009 enrolled in college in order to get a better job after graduation. Despite these high hopes, only 34 percent of current students believe their schools are preparing them for success in the job market.Colleges have moved away from true workforce training, in favor of a more “liberal education.” Administrators have even become smug about it. Ninety-six percent of administrators believe their institutions are effective at preparing students for the workforce.Unfortunately, an overwhelming number of employers disagree with this self-assessment. Only 11 percent of business leaders strongly agreed that colleges are properly forming our nation’s workforce. The vast majority are settling for employees who are largely unqualified or simply leave positions unfilled altogether.

Tags: College Insurrection