#SchumerShutdown #DACAshutdown

UPDATE: A cloture vote to end debate in the Senate on the funding bill passed by the House failed. So we’re heading to “shutdown” unless there is a last minute deal reached.

As a reminder of how Obama weaponized the 2013 shutdown, see my post Flashback to when Obama weaponized 2013 government shutdown.

60 votes were needed, and it fell 10 short. 5 Democrats voted Yes: Donnelly, Heitkamp, Manchin, Jones, McCaskill. 4 Republicans voted No: Graham, Paul, Lee, Flake.

McConnell also will vote No, but only for for procedural reasons, as Chad Pergram explained:

McConnell will likely vote NO, opposing ending debate on House passed CR. He will want to call for a revote. And one must be on the “prevailing” side of the vote to do so. In this case, the “noes.” McConnell supports ending debate. But needs to preserve this parliamentary option

This is not the look Democrats wanted, the home page of the NY Times pinning the blame on Democrats:

But several Republicans voting No also gave WaPo the chance to portray opposition as bipartisan. Republicans really are the stupid messaging party – knowing the vote would fail anyway, Graham, Paul, Lee, and Flake could have voted Yes for the political optics. This was only a cloture vote, and it’s common for Senators to vote to end debate yet vote against the bill on the substantive vote.

The White House issued this statement:

Trump tweeted early this morning:


Before the vote:

The latest, as of this post going live, was that there is no deal for short-term funding of the government. A a cloture vote will take place in the Senate at approximately 10 p.m. on whether to accept the House one-month funding bill that passed last night.

The core of the dispute is DACA. The Democrat base demands that DACA participants be legalized and naturalized as citizens, without any increased immigration enforcement to prevent DACA II, DACA III and so on. That’s the problem with amnesty – no one believes it’s the last time, and there is a huge incentive for people to violate the law figuring it will be forgiven down the road.

There have been panic moments when it is feared Chuck Schumer will pull a fast one over on Trump, but so far that has not happened. So here we are.

Schumer and Democrats are in a panic now the shutdown is approaching. They bragged about how they would do it, but like the proverbial dog that catches the car, now that they’ve caught it, they don’t know what to do with it.

As Republicans found out in 2013, most people don’t like their government shut down, not even a little bit. Democrats right now are the party of shutting down the government.

Of course, the shutdown is not really a shutdown, it’s more like a scale back. But nevermind, Democrats bit off more than they can chew this time. The question is, will Republicans make them choke on it, or provide a face-saving way out for Schumer and crew.

We will update as there are new developments. You can follow news below.


You can watch the Senate Floor LIVE here.




Tags: Budget, Chuck Schumer, DACA, Shutdown 2018