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Rice University Student Paper Attempts Satire by Calling White People Disgusting

Rice University Student Paper Attempts Satire by Calling White People Disgusting

“Hey there, white people! We know. You have a day off to celebrate someone who managed to beat your system. “

This was a supposed attempt to be funny on MLK Day. The school has issued a statement saying they’re disappointed.

The Blaze reports:

University student paper calls white people ‘disgusting’ in ‘guilt-free MLK’ satire blurb

A Rice University student-run newspaper issued an explanation after publishing a “guilt-free MLK day” coupon in its Jan. 10 issue, which called white people “disgusting.”

What happened?

Rice University’s student-run newspaper, The Rice Thresher, published a coupon for a “guilt-free MLK day” on its back page under the “Penny Saver” section.

The coupon read, “Hey there, white people! We know. You have a day off to celebrate someone who managed to beat your system. Don’t despair — for the low price of eternal shame you can spend these 24 hours doing something productive like beating off in a sock and wondering whatever happened to your 8th grade girlfriend. You’re disgusting.”

Did the university respond?

The university on its Twitter page acknowledged the controversial coupon — which they called an “offensive attempt at satire” — and noted that while the school does believe in a free press, it doesn’t agree with the published sentiment.

“The student-run Rice Thresher has a history of satire on its backpage,” a Friday tweet read. “Rice does not manage the content but is disappointed w/this offensive attempt at satire, which is contrary to our values. We support a free press, even if we don’t agree. Comments can go to [email protected].”


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Actually, I think Rice handled this appropriately. They distanced themselves from the content, but gave the stupid kids space to be…stupid. Anything more, I think, would have given the piece more attention than it deserved.

which called white people “disgusting.”

Well, they are. Just plain awful. In fact, the only good thing about white people is that they aren’t black.

Hey, this “satire” game is fun. And, thanks to the concept of a “free press”, anybody can play.

Fair enough … lets see ’em put something satirical yet offensive to a minority on “the back page” … then we’ll see how tolerant Rice is of a free press. My money says … Rice’s rules of operation are … jibes to whites, men, conservatives = OK … jibes to women, minorities, liberals = not OK.