Profs Slam K-12 Textbooks for Failing to Promote Social Justice

How dare school textbooks not promote the left’s agenda? It’s an outrage.

The Daily Caller reports:

Professors Slam K-12 Textbooks For Failing To Promote Social JusticeA team of academics led by a City University of New York professor has taken aim at K-12 textbooks for their failure to promote “social justice” in their illustrations of women and racial minorities.According to CUNY professor Sherry Deckman and her colleagues, the textbook pictures reflect “social power dynamics” that they say are “inherently Eurocentric, male-centric, Christian-centric, heterosexual-centric,” Campus Reform reports.The team published its findings in a paper titled “Numbers Are Not Enough” after reviewing around 1,500 images in school textbooks.The academics report surprise at discovering that women and racial minorities were represented in numbers parallel to real-world demographic statistics, and were in some cases given over-representation since they were introduced into textbooks in the ’90s.Nonetheless, the professors expressed dismay at the illustrations, which they argue are “superficial” and “tokenistic” because they do not challenge “social power dynamics” that reinforce a “Eurocentric” vision of society.

Tags: College Insurrection, Social Justice