Is There a Democrat “Trump” Out There to Take 2020 Primaries by Surprise?

There are a few Democrats who think that since President Donald Trump won in November 2016 then maybe they can, too. After all, how did a man with no political experience beat the all mighty Hillary Clinton?!

So a handful of politicians that not a lot of people have heard of believe they have a chance to take on Trump in 2020, including mayors and congressmen “low on the seniority totem pole.”

Here’s the thing, though. EVERYONE knew about Trump and if you didn’t then you must live an isolated life.

Politico ran an article on Tuesday about these Democrats. Rep. John Delaney (D-MD), a former finance executive, believes he could win the presidency and announced his intention to run in July even though hardly anyone out of his district have heard of him. Delaney has already visited Iowa and New Hampshire 90 times since July:

The 55-year-old former finance executive is part of a rapidly proliferating group of declared or potential 2020 candidates driven largely by one overriding principle: If Donald Trump can do it, why not me?The usual early trickle of potential presidential candidates into Iowa and New Hampshire is already a full-on flood ahead of Trump’s reelection bid. And in the place of the traditional assortment of senators and governors is an ever-expanding hodgepodge of long shots — from mayors to House members to state-level bureaucrats — each absolutely convinced they hold the key to kicking the president to the curb come 2020.”We need new people and ideas,” said Delaney, who was elected to a House seat in Maryland in 2012. “Whether you’re a governor, a senator or a member of the House of Representatives, that’s really irrelevant to voters.”

Former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander unsuccessfully ran for the Senate in 2016, but ordered his “campaign manager to open a field office in Iowa last year.” He also started a voting-rights organization, which has brought him to “Iowa and New Hampshire so many times that he’s become a fixture at private and public local party events.”

South Bend Mayor Peter Buttigieg has also visited Iowa a few times along with Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA).

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), the man who challenged House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for her position has visited Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) visited a steak fry with Ryan in Des Moines last year, too.

Others have eyed South Carolina. New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu made an appearance at the Democratic Party conference last month. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) spoke at that event, too.

Sean Bagniewski, chairman of the Democratic committee in Polk County, told Politico that people he has talked to believe “that it’s going to be the most crowded primary in decades.” Iowans think there will “be a good dozen credible candidates running, and then a good dozen behind them.”

Bigger Names?

In November, The Hill spoke with Democratic insiders about the top possible 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has always been a name near the top. Mike blogged this morning that she has stated she is not running for president, but is building on a $13 million dollar war chest.

There’s a possibility that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will make another run for it in 2020.

The obscure names may also have to deal with former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY), who has shot up in the news lately with the sexual misconduct allegations hampering Capital Hill lately.

The Hill mentioned that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) comes up when the Democrats talk about needing “fresh blood” for the part.

Can One of Them Do It?

Politico called these people the “Why-not-me caucus” and it shows no sign of slowing down since at least 40 people have either made it known they want to run or have shown signs that they may throw their hat in the circus:

“It’s probably a combination of, ‘If Trump can do it, [so can I],’ but also alarm at the direction of the country, and thinking, ‘I’ve got to step up and add my voice,’” suggested Lincoln Chafee, the former Rhode Island governor and senator who sought the Democratic nomination against all odds in 2016.It’s been nine decades since the Democrats’ nominee had no experience as a senator or governor. Yet roughly half of 2020’s potential presidential contenders have none, and many are under 45 years old.

A few things may help them. First off, the Democrats have no front-runner. No one expected Trump to defeat Hillary and after that happened, the party has gone down the drain. Secondly, thanks to the internet, it cuts out time to raise money for a campaign and means you don’t have to spend a lot of time going after big dollar donors.

Politico also thinks that the “political penalties” of showing too much ambition “have also faded, judging by voters’ rewarding of garish flouting of political traditions in 2016.”

Who knows? Even though, like I said, everyone knew about Donald Trump before he ran for president, no one (including me) thought he would beat Hillary Clinton. Maybe politics have taken a new road and voters will now choose those who aren’t a big name in the political world.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, 2020 Presidential Election, Adam Schiff, Kamala Harris, Tulsi Gabbard