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Harvard Sorority Goes Gender Neutral After Ban on Single Sex Clubs

Harvard Sorority Goes Gender Neutral After Ban on Single Sex Clubs

“the path we as a group have chosen to pursue”

Doesn’t this mean it’s technically no longer a sorority?

The Daily Caller reports:

Harvard Sorority Goes Gender-Neutral After School’s Single-Gender Ban

The Harvard chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma announced Monday it disbanded from its national organization and has reformed as a gender-neutral social club.

Kappa Kappa Gamma is the first Harvard sorority to become gender-neutral after the school adopted a policy that punishes members of single-gender groups, reported The Harvard Crimson Monday. The sorority has rebranded as the Fleur-de-Lis, a group that, while intended for “female-identifying individuals,” will be open to men.

“The formation of The Fleur is the culmination of numerous discussions spanning the last two or so years within Harvard’s Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma and with the administration,” said Tiana Menon, president of the Fleur-de-Lis. “[Administrators] have helped shape the path we as a group have chosen to pursue.”

Menon noted the influence of Harvard’s December 2017 policy banning members of single-gender groups from holding campus leadership offices, becoming varsity athletic captains, and receiving Harvard endorsement for programs like the Rhodes Scholarship. At one point, a Harvard faculty committee was considering banning single-gender groups entirely.


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So, if it is not a Sorority, what is it: a Coedity, a SoFratity, a Fratsority, or maybe just a Kookery, or Idiotity.

Sooo, I’d love to see the profile of which “men” these gals will welcome into their “club.”

If this group is made up of “all heterosexual sex is rape” feminists, then only non-cis-gendered “men” will be allowed. There should be plenty at Harvard.

Even pajama boy would have to tread very lightly to avoid being seen as too adorable and too cuddly.

Nobody who is actually masculine will go anywhere near this “club.”

This living/associating arrangement is one more attempt to redefine and dumb down genetic differences.

Perhaps the opposite will occur, such as in that Tom Hanks college comedy. Hanks and his bro cross-dressed their way into a dorm filled with Victoria’s Secret-type ladies. After watching the unsuspecting blond female lead disrobe, Tom’s character looked skyward and whispered, “Thank you, God.”