Cornell Student Bullied After Pointing Out Anti-Trump Bias in Academia on FOX News

The left has repeatedly made their position quite clear. If you are not sufficiently anti-Trump, you will be targeted.

The College Fix reports:

Intolerance at Cornell: After my Fox News appearance, bullying and threats began. It got so bad I sought counseling.It is difficult to express conservative views as a college student without being called names, attacked personally, or even threatened by peers. I know because I’ve lived it.The worst came after I appeared on Fox News in May to voice alarm over a new course at my Ivy League institution that deeply criticized Donald Trump while venerating Barack Obama.“Based on the syllabus it doesn’t seem like a fair conversation,” I said about the new government course offered this past fall at Cornell called “America Confronts the World.” The syllabus accused Trump of xenophobic nationalism while describing Obama as a pragmatic cosmopolitan.“If I were to walk into the classroom I don’t think I would feel comfortable expressing my views. I am somebody who likes to take a fair stance. I think it’s important that we are critical of the president but we also recognize the good that he’s done. I don’t think that would be encouraged in this class.”Asked by the Fox News host if there is an overwhelming liberal bias at Cornell, I said yes.“When you have a professor telling you what is right and what is incorrect rather than having the students decide for themselves, to research beyond the headline and analyze the situation, I think they just take whatever the professor tells them and they are not able to see the indoctrination,” I said…While I expected disagreement from many Cornellians for my views, I was mentally and emotionally unprepared for the backlash, name calling, and threats to my physical safety.Some peers called me “hateful” for being critical of the course, even though I never attacked the professor’s character. Others suggested I was bigoted, even though they had never met me.

Tags: College Insurrection, Cornell