Columbia Course Examines the ‘Persistent Racism’ of ‘Trumpism’
“acknowledges the intersectional nature of power and politics”
More Trump Derangement Syndrome in academia.
Campus Reform reports:
Columbia offers course on ‘persistent racism’ of ‘Trumpism’
An upcoming course at the Teachers College, Columbia University is slated to explore “Trumpism” by examining “the connections between wealth, violence, and politics.”
In an email obtained by Campus Reform, professor Erika Kitzmiller explained that the course, titled “Education in the Age of Trump,” introduces “the past and present conditions that allowed Trump to seize electoral control of a major American political party and acknowledges the intersectional nature of power and politics.”
The description asserts that the program is “concerned less with Trump as a man than with ‘Trumpism,’” which Kitzmiller said is defined by “political polarization, escalating inequality, and persistent racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and homophobia, as a product of history.”
The email elaborated that students “will consider how ‘Trumpism’ affects their roles as educators,” while developing a “deep appreciation and understanding of the historical and sociological antecedents that have contributed to ‘Trumpism’ and explore ways to challenge its shortcomings in their classrooms, schools, and communities.”
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President Trump never gained control of the republican party. He fought both parties to win the election. We elected him because he was more honest than those opposing his election from both parties!