Rhodes Scholar Claims Organization is Biased Against Conservatives

Based on what we’ve seen from academia in recent years, this is easy to believe.

The Daily Caller reports:

Rhodes Scholar Decries Leftist Bias And Intolerance Within The ScholarshipA Rhodes scholar alleged in a Tuesday letter to the Rhodes trustees that the Rhodes trust is intolerant to views that are not left-wing.Dan Lubrich, spokesman for the Rhodes Scholars for Intellectual Diversity, a group advocating for free speech and different viewpoints among Rhodes scholars, asserted that the Rhodes House banned him from its discussion forum and would not let his group advertise as a Rhodes Scholar group, in correspondence shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation.“Rhodes House and its Warden, Charles Conn, have shown a consistent pattern of banning debates on the Rhodes Internal Forum as soon as conservative opinions are being voiced,” said Lubrich to TheDCNF.“Continuing a long process of politicization and left-shift of the Trust and scholar selections, the past year has shown that this dynamic has entered its next logical stage: outright censorship and exclusion of contrarian views and those expressing them,” asserted the spokesman in a Tuesday letter to Conn, obtained by TheDCNF.Lubrich listed criteria by which he thinks Rhodes’ next warden should be selected, including a stalwart support for the First Amendment, fairness, specifically with regard to the scholarship selection process, independence from political nonprofits, and a track record that does not include serving as a pundit, politician, or activist.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives