Rhodes Scholar Claims Organization is Biased Against Conservatives
“pattern of banning debates on the Rhodes Internal Forum as soon as conservative opinions are being voiced”

Based on what we’ve seen from academia in recent years, this is easy to believe.
The Daily Caller reports:
Rhodes Scholar Decries Leftist Bias And Intolerance Within The Scholarship
A Rhodes scholar alleged in a Tuesday letter to the Rhodes trustees that the Rhodes trust is intolerant to views that are not left-wing.
Dan Lubrich, spokesman for the Rhodes Scholars for Intellectual Diversity, a group advocating for free speech and different viewpoints among Rhodes scholars, asserted that the Rhodes House banned him from its discussion forum and would not let his group advertise as a Rhodes Scholar group, in correspondence shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation.
“Rhodes House and its Warden, Charles Conn, have shown a consistent pattern of banning debates on the Rhodes Internal Forum as soon as conservative opinions are being voiced,” said Lubrich to TheDCNF.
“Continuing a long process of politicization and left-shift of the Trust and scholar selections, the past year has shown that this dynamic has entered its next logical stage: outright censorship and exclusion of contrarian views and those expressing them,” asserted the spokesman in a Tuesday letter to Conn, obtained by TheDCNF.
Lubrich listed criteria by which he thinks Rhodes’ next warden should be selected, including a stalwart support for the First Amendment, fairness, specifically with regard to the scholarship selection process, independence from political nonprofits, and a track record that does not include serving as a pundit, politician, or activist.

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You needed to be a Rhodes Scholar to figure that out?
They should have done their research before taking the candy.
Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarships
“The Rhodes fortune, through the Rhodes Scholarship Fund, has been used to promote the concept of globalism and one-world government.”