Report: Young People Say Being Called a “Snowflake” Damages Their Mental Health

Whether they like it or not, young people on the left have developed a reputation for being unable and unwilling to tolerate the views of others with whom they disagree. Speakers are routinely shouted down on college campuses and the views of conservatives are frequently described as dangerous.

The term “snowflake” was entirely self-earned. They built this. So it’s difficult to feel sympathy when they say they don’t like this description of them.

Olivia Rugard of the Telegraph UK points to a recent study:

Don’t call us snowflakes – it damages our mental health, say young peopleBeing called a “snowflake” is damaging to mental health, young people say. Figures show that the majority of young people think the term is unfair – and even more think it could have a negative effect of its own.The “snowflake generation” is a disparaging term now commonly used to refer to young people, who are perceived to be over-sensitive and intolerant of disagreement.But research by insurance firm Aviva found that 72 per cent of 16-24 year-olds think the term is unfairly applied, while 74 per cent think it could have a negative effect on young people’s mental health.The figures also show that young people are more likely to have experienced stress, anxiety and depression in the last year.Almost half of adults between 16 and 24 said they had experienced stress or anxiety, compared to just over a third of all UK adults.Young adults were also more likely to be uncomfortable talking about a mental health problem, with one in three saying this compared to 27 per cent of all adults.13 per cent also said they were experiencing a problem but had not sought help, compared to seven per cent of all adults.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t this study actually reinforce the whole concept of snowflakes? People who are not worthy of being called snowflakes would not claim that doing so causes them mental health issues.

Beth Baumann of Townhall, herself a Millennial, calls the study bogus and offers some perspective:

Bogus Study Perpetuates Millennials’ Snowflake-ismThis study is the epitome of snowflake-ism.I’m a Millennial and I’m so tired of my peers who are constantly offended by everything. If you voted for Trump, that’s offensive. If you say you’re a Christian, that’s offensive. If you drive a nicer car than someone else, that’s offensive.My generation has been taught to take into account everyone’s feelings over facts. We no longer say prayer in schools or the Pledge of Allegiance because it might offend someone. We can’t say Merry Christmas. We have to say Happy Holidays.This study points out one major problem with our America today: we’re losing all of the things that made us so great. Our freedom of religion is gone. Our freedom of expression has been nixed. Every one of us has been expected to be so mindful of other people’s feelings that we’re expected to live politically correct lives.

She also lays the blame on Baby Boomers:

Baby Boomers, this is your fault.You raised my generation to be selfish. You were so worried about spoiling your children and giving them everything they wanted that you forgot to instill the most important value we, as humans, can have: morality. You were so busy making sure little Harry got the nicest video game and little Sally got the latest and greatest doll out there. You were so busy buying your child’s affection that you taught them that they can demand whatever it is they want. And now, their latest demand is to quit calling them a ‘snowflake’ for being an entitled, egotistical person.

Not all young people fit the description of a snowflake, obviously. A young man who worked at a gas station in my neighborhood recently enlisted in the Marines the day he turned 18. That’s not someone who needs a safe space.

If Millennials and others truly want to shake the term loose, it’s not hard. It doesn’t even require enlisting in the armed forces. The choice is theirs.

Tags: College Insurrection, Millennials, Progressives