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Professors Claim Farmers’ Markets Sustain White Privilege

Professors Claim Farmers’ Markets Sustain White Privilege

“spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized”

Is there anything the the far left in academia doesn’t find racist?

The Daily Caller reports:

Professors Say Farmers’ Markets Sustain ‘Whiteness’

Two geology professors are targeting farmers’ markets for sustaining alleged white privilege.

Pascale Jossart-Marcella and Fernando J. Bosco from San Diego State University are suggesting that introducing rural-style agricultural boutiques into an urban setting is nothing more than a nefarious attempt to maintain oppressive “white spaces” and marginalize “people of color.”

The arguments were published in an academic anthology out this month entitled “Just Green Enough.” Campus Reform first reported Wednesday on the professors’ attempt to find a relationship between the “whiteness of farmers’ markets” and upscale living.

“Farmers’ markets are often white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized,” the professors maintain, claiming that the food stalls do business with “households from higher social-economic backgrounds.” As a result, “low-income residents and people of color” are somehow excluded.


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“Is there anything the the far left in academia doesn’t find racist?”

Hating white people because of the color of their skin.

That’s so much Hogwash!
Most Farmer’s Markets which are similar to Co-Op’s, accept Food Stamps/SNAP Cards..though the food/products are not as re-sellable for cash to buy “unqualified” products.

where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized

They’re just bitter because they can’t find anyone selling Missionary McNuggets.

They’d be happy if they came to our Farmers’ Market. It is so completely inclusive that even the brown and white eggs snuggle together in the same carton!

To induce minority food stamp users to actually buy fruits and vegetables, in Connecticut they have food markets in the inner cities that cater to food stamps – doubling their value for things purchased at the markets.

Isn’t it terrible how badly we treat minority food stamp holders? Encouraging them to buy good food (I guess the profs would call it “white people food”) instead of using or selling their food stamps illegally to get the foods they really want (and deserve!).

“Spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized”… oh really? Because in Massachusetts, most farmers markets accept food stamps.