Pro-Life Group Sues University Over Mandatory Trigger Warnings

The left’s ideas are once again so popular that they have to be required.

Campus Reform reports:

Pro-life group sues school for mandating ‘trigger warnings’A pro-life group filed a lawsuit Wednesday against Miami University of Ohio, claiming the school unconstitutionally required them to post trigger warnings before erecting a display on campus.Students for Life of Miami University of Ohio, Hamilton regularly sets up its Cemetery of the Innocents display on the campus’ Central Quad, erecting small crosses to represent the number of lives lost to abortion since the passage of Roe v. Wade.But in October, when Students for Life President Ellen Wittman contacted the university to schedule the routine event, she was informed that this time, the group would have to post signs on campus beforehand notifying the community of the impending display.A university official told Wittman she feared the display would cause “emotional trauma,” offering to meet with the group to discuss “less harmful” ways of expressing its views.Students for Life, however, argued that the administration was presenting unnecessary obstacles to erecting the display in an effort to stymie controversy.Since the incident, the Alliance Defending Freedom has sued the university on behalf of Students for Life, claiming school policy effectively allows the administration to place a “trigger warning” on the pro-life club.

Tags: College Insurrection, Trigger Warning