NFL Executive Admits #TakeAKnee Protests Have Hurt Attendance

While the NFL #TakeAKnee protests haven’t been prominent in the news of late, football fans are staying away from NFL games—at least those of the Baltimore Ravens—in droves.

The Blaze reports:

An NFL executive just gave more credence to the theory that player protests before games have hurt attendance numbers.Baltimore Ravens president Dick Cass conceded as much in a letter to fans, according to USA Today.Regarding the protests:“We had the poor showing in London, complicated by the kneeling of a dozen players during the national anthem. That became an emotional and divisive issue. We know that hurt some of you. Others saw it differently and welcomed the dialogue that followed. Others bluntly told us to keep statements and protests out of the game. There are some of you who have stayed away from our games.And later in the letter:“We have had significant numbers of no-shows in the past when our play on the field has not met the high standard we and you have set for the Ravens. But this year has been different. The numbers are higher, and it is noticeable. There are a number of reasons for the no-shows, but surely the one-time protest in London has been a factor.”

Tags: Culture, NFL