Berlin wants to bring back the children of German Islamic State terrorists currently being held under Iraqi detention, German newspapers report.
German Foreign Office has asked the Iraqi government to grant exit permits to the children of captive Islamic State members. Many of these children hold “ISIS birth certificates,” a German broadcaster reported. So far, Iraqi and Kurdish authorities have not given any assurances to the German negotiators in this regard.
Of roughly 1,000 radical Muslims who left Germany to join the Islamic State, estimated 20 percent are women and 5 percent minors. As the Islamic State faces total collapse after losing 90 percent of its territory since President Trump took office, including its capital city of Raqqa to the US-backed Kurdish forces, most of the surviving Islamists are expected to come home to Germany.
Bringing the children of German Islamic State terrorists to Germany is not without its risks. Germany’s domestic intelligence agency has long been warning of the children returning from the war zones in Syria and Iraq, who could grow into a new generation of terrorists for the Islamic State.
“We see the danger of children who socialized with and were indoctrinated by jihadists returning to Germany from the war zones,” the chief of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, Hans-Georg Maassen, said last month. “This could allow a new generation of jihadists to be raised here.”
German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported the ongoing negotiations to secure a free passage for the children of German Islamic State members:
German government is working to facilitate the return of the children of German fighters and the family members of the so-called Islamic State back to their homeland. According the information uncovered by the Süddeutsche Zeitung, NDR and WDR [broadcasters], German Foreign Ministry diplomats are in touch with the Iraqi government and have requested the return of the children of the German ISIS members. A response has not been received in this regard.According to the latest estimates, at least half a dozen German minors are sitting in Iraqi prisons and interrogation centers. Most of them are small children and infants. Many of them are being held with their mothers, who were caught and arrested after the fall of the Islamic State. Four children are in the northern Iraqi city of Erbil and one of the detained mother is in the final stages of pregnancy. German government believes that the number of children with German citizenship is going to rise. Out of 940 people who left Germany to join the Islamic State, nearly two-thirds have a German citizenship.Government was previously expecting the children along with their mothers to be deported swiftly to their countries of origin. Now it appears that the Iraqi government wants to put the detained women on trial. This led to the decision to undertake efforts to bring back the children. The initial talks with the Iraqi Foreign Minister have already taken place, but did not result an any resolution [Translation by author]
Germany authorities are also negotiating the return of a 16 year-old German female ISIS fighter who faces death penalty in Iraq. The girl was allegedly part of the Islamic State’s notorious ‘Sharia Brigade,’ the all-female force that carried out beatings and torture of women found violating the strict Islamic laws imposed by the caliphate in the territory under its control.
German authorities are already monitoring at least 500 ISIS returnees who are back home after committing war crimes on behalf of the caliphate. According to German media reports published last year, most of these Islamist war criminals will not face any charges in Germany — given the absence of evidence against them. Germany’s open borders and other ill-advised policies will make sure that the imminent collapse of the Islamic State in the Middle East will lead to the surge of Islamism in the country.
Video: German ‘ISIS’ bride’ faces death penalty for war crimes in Iraq
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