Jerry Brown attacks our President and way of life at the Vatican

Late in October, California Governor Jerry Brown threatened to sue the administration of President Donald Trump for implementation of environmental policies focused more on real pollutants (e.g., heavy metals) and less on contrived ones (e.g., carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion.

I noted Brown would be taking a European “climate change” tour that would include a stop at the Vatican. His presentation at the seat of the Catholic Church focused on climate, alright…the political one.

Gov. Jerry Brown challenged the world’s religious leaders to further engage as he minimized the negative effects of President Donald Trump on meeting the climate-change challenge.“The Trump factor is very small, very small indeed,” in comparison to the commitments taking place around the world, Brown said to a burst of applause Saturday at an event organized by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences. “That’s nothing to cheer about, because if it was only Trump that was a problem, we’d have it solved. But that’s not our only problem.“The problem … is us. It’s our whole way of life. It’s our comfort … It’s the greed. It’s the indulgence. It’s the pattern. And it’s the inertia.”

Brown’s solution to our way of life is…fascinating.

“It’s not just a light rinse,” Brown said. “We need a total, I might say brainwashing. We need to wash our brains out and see a very different kind of world

The governor was just getting started:

Brown, who arrived Friday for nearly two weeks of climate talks across Europe, said the path to transformational change must include the mass mobilization of the religious and theological sphere, but also the prophetic sphere.“The power here is prophecy. The power here is faith, and that’s what this organization is supposed to be about. So, let’s be about it and combine with the technical and the scientific and the political.”

California colleague and Canada Free Press author Katy Grimes suggests that Brown’s handlers keep him from making further speeches. She has just published a wonderful summary of the climate realities that Brown should actually be preaching:

…If the level of air pollution in the United States is among the lowest on the planet, according to the World Health Organization, why does California Governor Jerry Brown believe “the threat of climate change could be more dangerous than that of fascism during World War Two?”Only the Solomon Islands, the island of Vanatu, New Zealand and Micronesia are more pollution free, according to the most recent WHO report on air pollution. In the report, charts and graphs show the U.S. is one of the countries with the cleanest air in the world…

Perhaps instead of tearing down President Trump, our governor could be promoting tourism for our Wine Country…which is bouncing back from the devastating wildfires?

Downtown Sonoma is perfectly fine,” says Sarah Stierch, a freelance writer based in the historic town at the heart of California wine country. “We suffered no damage, and it’s as bucolic and lovely as ever.” …….[M]ost of the damage is on hillsides and more mountainous areas off the beaten tourist path. “Napa Valley has little damage. It’s as beautiful as ever,” she says. “If you drive up Highway 12 from Sonoma to Santa Rosa” — another major wine country route — “you’ll pass wineries like B.R. Cohn, Ledson, Chateau St. Jean and Kenwood” — which received some damage — “and you’ll see where the fires burned in some parklands and some damaged houses along the road.”

Of course, promoting California businesses is not nearly as much fun as attacking Donald Trump and suggesting brain-washing while waxing poetic about prophesy!

Thing about it, perhaps Brown is abroad promoting our burgeoning pot industry with some demonstrations? This would completely explain the Vatican address.

Tags: California, Jerry Brown