Garrison Keillor Fired From Minnesota Public Radio Over Alleged Improper Behavior
He’s the former host of A Prairie Home Companion.
Former A Prairie Home Companion host Garrison Keillor has lost his job at Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) over alleged inappropriate behavior. MPR released this statement:
Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is terminating its contracts with Garrison Keillor and his private media companies after recently learning of allegations of his inappropriate behavior with an individual who worked with him.
Last month, MPR was notified of the allegations which relate to Mr. Keillor’s conduct while he was responsible for the production of A Prairie Home Companion (APHC). MPR President Jon McTaggart immediately informed the MPR Board Chair, and a special Board committee was appointed to provide oversight and ongoing counsel. In addition, MPR retained an outside law firm to conduct an independent investigation of the allegations. Based on what we currently know, there are no similar allegations involving other staff. The attorney leading the independent investigation has been conducting interviews and reviewing documents, and the investigation is still ongoing. We encourage anyone with additional information to call our confidential hotline 1-877-767-7781.
MPR takes these allegations seriously and we are committed to maintaining a safe, respectful and supportive work environment for all employees and everyone associated with MPR. We want a workplace where anyone who experiences unwanted behavior feels comfortable in reporting concerns to MPR. Discrimination, harassment, retaliation or other inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated.
MPR also said it will terminate its entire business relationship with Keillor:
* end distribution and broadcast of The Writer’s Almanac and rebroadcasts of The Best of A Prairie Home Companion hosted by Garrison Keillor;
* change the name of APM’s weekly music and variety program hosted by Chris Thile; and,
* separate from the Pretty Good Goods online catalog and the website.
Keillor just wrote a syndicated column that lashed out at the idea of Minnesota Democrat Senator Al Franken resigning over accusations of groping females. NPR reported that Keillor has a history of brushing off sexual harassment:
Howard Mortman, the communications director of C-SPAN, notes that in 1994 Keillor spoke at the Press Club in D.C. and said, among other things, ” A world in which there is no sexual harassment at all is a world in which there will not be any flirtation.” The crowd was quiet.
“A world without thieves at all will not have entrepreneurs,” Keillor said next, and at that, the crowd laughed.
Keillor started A Prairie Home Companion in 1974 that included “tales of his fictional Minnesota hometown of Lake Wobegon.” From The Washington Post:
The show featured musical acts, folksy humor, parody ads for fake products such as Powdermilk Biscuits and the centerpiece, Keillor delivering a seemingly off-the-cuff monologue, “The News From Lake Wobegon,” in his rich baritone voice.
Keillor bowed out with a final show at the Hollywood Bowl in July 2016 and turned the show over to Thile, a mandolinist and frequent “Prairie Home” guest musician. Keillor went on a 28-city bus tour this summer, vowing it would be his last tour, but he continues on the road with solo shows. Keillor also is finishing a Lake Wobegon screenplay and a memoir about growing up in Minnesota.

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The self-righteous lefties are dropping faster than their flies.
Yikes, just doing your hair like that is inappropriate behavior.
Seems as if all the conservatives marched around the City of Jericho-Liberaland seven times, then sounded the shofar,
and the walls of hypocrisy came tumbling down,
re: “…then sounded the shofar”
I think they tried that in a parallel universe, but the tribe of “Virtuous Vegan Vaginas” came storming out of their castle complaining that “only male” sheep had horns. They weren’t impressed.
You know, even if Moore loses, the aftereffects of this wave of sexual harassment firings and resignations might just be worth it. Leftists are falling like flies.
But he’s not likely to lose.
I look forward to the day when Bill Clinton, Matt Lauer, Bill O’Reilly, Garrison Keillor and numerous other ass-grabbers found their own broadcast station and appear on it to the great enjoyment of the Amerikan people. It would quickly surpass all the rivals in popularity.
Hillary could be the weather babe.
Her entire political career has been based on which way the wind is blowing
Early on, I enjoyed Keillor’s radio broadcasts of A Prairie Home Companion, especially the vignettes about Lake Wobegon. He seemed to capture what was good, if a bit quirky, and humorous about middle America. But, then, his rabid leftism crept into his work and it was tune-out time for me.
With the pace of the recent revelations, a considerable number of people are facing disappointment, anger even, about those they have appreciated and even admired. Maybe, what’s taking place is a result of a spiritual re-awakening some of us have been praying about for quite awhile.
I have not laugh so hard in a long time. With the CFPB, the stock market and Keillor’s abuser friends going down, I need to put a new order in for pop corn. Just waiting for the next troll by Trump. There are at least 3 more good laughs before Friday.
MPR also said it will terminate its entire business relationship with Keillor:
This seems maybe a tad draconian, considering that the investigation is not yet concluded.
It says in the first blurb, they hired a law firm in investigate allegations and based on what the law firm found, the station took this action.
… based on what the law firm found …
It does not say that.
MPR retained an outside law firm to conduct an independent investigation of the allegations. Based on what we currently know, there are no similar allegations involving other staff.
Nothing in this writeup says that anything has yet been learned from the investigation. “What we currently know” could be from anywhere. In fact some of it would have to be from elsewhere, because otherwise nobody would have reason to hire investigators in the first place.
I think too much Mary-wanna ruined Keller’s brain and hair… he went full commie-leftie awhile ago… so NO SHOCK he adopted their no-moral behavior…
good riddance too all lefty losers losing their jobs… swamp cleaning is on the rise everywhere….
about D*MN time
Could it be that all of the non-government men getting fired is a prelude to the populous coming to the conclusion that no one is above the law and that the congress-critters and other government lowlifes need to pay the piper also? Hillary? Huma? Lois? Your times coming.
Wow, did you see this from Trump:
So now that Matt Lauer is gone when will the Fake News practitioners at NBC be terminating the contract of Phil Griffin? And will they terminate low ratings Joe Scarborough based on the “unsolved mystery” that took place in Florida years ago? Investigate!
Looks like a take down of Joey is coming quick. I love it.
Someone knows where the bodies are. Hmmm, might be putting some pressure on getting his tax plan through, eh?
So, what exactly is “inappropriate behavior”? Anyone have a clue?
What I find interesting about this case is that MPR investigated this complaint, found no other similar complaint, severed ties with Keillor, yet is still soliciting information on the subject. To me this sounds as though the attorneys do not believe that they have a real strong case for termination and are hoping to find additional complainants or witnesses to bolster their action, should Keillor sue. After all, if 50 additional people make similar complaints now, no further action can be taken against Keillor by MPR; fired is fired. This could turn out to be a rabid liberal/Progressive company, MPR, shafting one of their own to appear sanctimonious.
It will be interesting to see exactly what heinous behavior Garrison Keillor is alleged to have committed.
This case has my cr@p detector buzzing.
Based on the article I read, there was a single act, years ago, minor in scope, and apologized for both immediately and later in writing.
Either there is much more, or he was not fired for the reasons given.
WHY are our tax dollars still funding the democrat media (namely, PBS and NPR?)
guess the billionaire kleptocrats don’t want to pay for their pie – Google, apple, amazon …….
fill in more names
It’s almost as though someone has decided that a whole bunch of these liberal “icons” are no longer useful.
I’ve wondered about this, as well. Pondering with what intent, I arrived at 2018 Election and maybe trying to have this “sweep” as a basis for getting at Trump.
I never cared very much for his childish program and found him to be affected. But after Trump became president he went totally leftist. He made some very unflattering remarks about Trump and anyone who voted for him. It is a deep sense of relief to know that there may justice for creeps like him and the other leftist hypocrites. It’s one thing to hold your tongue when you have done similar things as the person being pilloried, but another to have the chutzpah to publicly condemn them!
Keillor ended his PHC run in July, 2016, back when Hillary! was a shoo-in to be President. I recall his hard left turn occurring with the election of Bush II.
Looking at the list of profit sources MPR is stepping away from, they might be cutting off their own nose to spite their face. The listening public up that way might have a different view of his work.
I heard yesterday that the event was well in the past and apologies were given and accepted. Keillor was quoted as saying “… and I was left believing that the whole matter was resolved, until her lawyer called.” [or words to that effect.]
Lake Wobegon: Where all the sexual predators are above average.
And that’s the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the men are good-looking, all the children are above-average, and all the women just need a little persuading.
Keillor’s victory-lap-screenplay? Kaput.
Royalties from Prairie and Almanac?
Don’t go away mad, Gary, just go away.
Of course, one of the dangers for the right in all this is that clearing out the old growth is precisely what the dems need to do to revitalize their party. The dems are solidifying one element of their base (women) and making room for another (millenials). Meanwhile, the reps are disappointing their base. Interesting times!
Seems these dem perverts are unusually ugly. Probably why they have to force themselves on their victims.
Inappropriate behavior can mean whatever a good lawyer wants it to mean. Best start wearing some sort of clothing with curb feelers out in public.
Go read the actual complaint and judge for yourself – headlines don’t tell much of the story.
No complaint has been filed. Please give us a link to whatever it was you read.