Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile Fires Back at Liberal Critics: “Go to hell”
“I’m going to tell my story.”

The implosion of the Democratic Party continues apace. Former DNC chair Donna Brazile appeared on “This Week” on Sunday and had some choice words for Democrats who are angry about the allegations she made in her new book about the rigged 2016 Democratic primary.
Members of Hillary’s failed campaign published an article on Medium on Saturday night accusing Brazile of spreading Russian propaganda:
Open Letter from Hillary for America 2016 Team
We were shocked to learn the news that Donna Brazile actively considered overturning the will of the Democratic voters by attempting to replace Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees. It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health.
Donna came in to take over the DNC at a very difficult time. We were grateful to her for doing so. She is a longtime friend and colleague of many of us and has been an important leader in our party. But we do not recognize the campaign she portrays in the book.
The 2016 presidential campaign was unlike any in our history. It was very difficult for our candidates and our staff. We are very proud that throughout the campaign and the aftermath the staff stuck together, worked as a team, and did the best we could for both Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.
When George Stephanopoulos asked Brazile about this, she didn’t hold back.
Transcript via Real Clear Politics:
Donna Brazile to Critics: “Go To Hell”
Do I regret taking on a job, for the second time in my life as chair of the party, cleaning up everybody’s mess, taking all of the incoming, being unable to spend the funds that I raised, being on the road 100% of the time, being hacked by the Russians, being harassed with death threats, do I regret any of that?
This was worse than Hurricane Katrina in terms of emotional toll, but do I regret standing up for what is right, helping Hillary Clinton, helping the Democratic Party, let me just say this: As somebody who went through a hacking experience, being able to tell the truth about what happened with the Russians, do i regret any of that? No, I wish I could have done more…
To those who are telling me to shut up, and were telling Hillary that a few months ago:
Go to hell.
I’m going to tell my story.
Watch the video below:
Does anyone think these rifts in the party will be healed by 2018 or 2020?
Featured image via YouTube.

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To those who are telling me to shut up, and were telling Hillary that a few months ago:
Go to hell.
I’m going to tell my story.
Donna Brazile seems to be saying what a newspaperman once told me …
If there is muck to rake, rake it
She’s trying to act virtuous after being complicit and involved.
Damage control for her, but it is useful to those who have waited for the Clinton and DNC corruption to come out.
Notice that she gave props to Hillary Clinton
And working in the Russia angle every chance she gets.
And is never challenged on that by the fact that the only ones who did forensics on the system and blamed Putin were also hired by Hillarys bought and paid for DNC.
This whole thing stinks worse than Hillary after a weeklong bender on the couch with no bathing.
“Does anyone think these rifts in the party will be healed by 2018 or 2020?”
I think that’s the wrong question because that’s not the goal.
A better question would be “Which DNC puppet masters gave the green light to a trusted DNC lieutenant, like Brazille, to bite the powerful old guard hands that fed her and other minions, and who stands to gain the most from this backstab political theater now being staged?”
Also, ya gotta give Dems credit for their persistent ‘circle the wagons at all costs’ regardless of loss or scandal, and their ‘double down go-to-hell’ determination against any blow back.
I think that’s what many people like about Trump, too.
I agree 100% that you’ve asked the right questions! Tentative guesses:
“Which DNC puppet masters gave the green light to a trusted DNC lieutenant, like Brazille, to bite the powerful old guard hands that fed her and other minions?”
Um … Soros?
“And who stands to gain the most from this backstab political theater now being staged?”
Um … the hard left wing of the party?
Soros just put the bulk of his fortune into his Foundation.
Insurance against “Arkancide”. We know the “why” now.
“being hacked by the Russians…”. That is NOT how you spell Seth Rich.
Ding. Ding! DING! We have a winner…
You have to wonder just what is happening in the background – could it be that the Demoncrats are doing everything they can to put distance between the DNC and the Clintons? With the arrests of the Saudi princes this weekend, there is a lot to be seen in the foreign influence peddling scandal that is fixing to blow up. Wouldn’t it be justice if Seth Rich’s murder resulted in the downfall of those whose corruption he sought to expose.
I’m sorry, you failed
Failing grade. You didn’t show your work.
Wanna see how this is being reported in the San Diego Union-Tribune?
The headline is “Brazile: ‘No evidence’ 2016 primaries were rigged”
I kid you not. This story brought to our regional papers by Paul Rucker of the Washington Post.
No link included, because this story does NOT show up in the U-T online. Instead there is a link to a video interview, but no print story. Odd.
Perhaps Brazile is tired of being a good little socialist soldier. Perhaps she just wants to sell more books. I don’t know.
The reaction from the left seems to say there is more truth than fiction in what she’s saying.
They might also want to be careful not to anger her further – she’s been a party loyalist a long,long time. She may have more secrets to tell if she gets antagonized enough.
It really doesn’t matter what this proven liar says because until the Demorat party re-connects with the blue-collar voters they are history. That was their foundation in the past and now they have mostly the splinter groups, blacks, and leftists. If they continue with identity politics they will fall further behind. I look at Trump the way I looked a Jack Nicholson’s character in the movie “A Few Good Men”, where he said, “You can’t handle the truth”. I may not have liked his character but I like the outcome. Trump is doing what has to be done and it might be messy and make you look away but by God, he is doing it!
Attacking a black woman… how dare the Democrats!
She was ridiculously talking out of both sides of her mouth.
And still tried to connect the Russians, boy this is getting old
Someone is going to get killed as an outcome of all of this. DWS and her IT from Hades, Clinton and outright treason, or Brazile and that whole mess. Who joins Seth Rich amongst the dearly departed?
I think you all are missing her point.
She said it twice.
“she worked as the DNC chair for free”
She has seen the Clintons get Uber rich on the back of the Democrat party.
Obama will get Uber ric on the back of the Democrat party.
Yet the DNC is broke and she had to work for free.
This was a shot over the bow that she knows where the bodies are buried.
Very interesting..
Donna has to sell some books before the left turns her into a non-person.
To those who are telling me to shut up, and were telling Hillary that a few months ago:
Go to hell.
What a giveaway. This means she didn’t write the book. Anyone who had actually gone through the detailed agony of cranking out a work of non-fiction (well, ostensible non-fiction) would have given a detailed, eminently factual, horribly tedious and boring answer to such an accusation. She took the shortcut, most likely because she didn’t actually live and breathe the text for several months and so doesn’t know instinctively what the long answer is.
I won’t say “what a fraud” because we already knew that. But exactly what kind of fraud is still a matter of interest.
The left never tells the truth to outsiders. Donna does not seem to be in fear of her carbon footprint going to zero so I am cautious about drawing any conclusions yet. She has always been a good soldier. So, what’s changed? Maybe nothing. What are we being distracted from?
I am sorry to hear about her upcoming suicide or strange, fatal accident.
“Arkancide” will eventually become a word in the dictionary.
Well, it HAS made it into the Urban Dictionary since ’08
Arkancide is the favored method of getting rid political enemies in the state of Arkansas. When the medical examiners explain away two bodies filled with bullets as a case of suicide, it’s obvious they caught a case of arkancide.
Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, clearly it was a case of arkancide.
Hillary Clinton threatened Barack Obama with arkancide last Friday.
#clinton#whacks#anyoine who#threatens#his power
by England phi beta gamma May 26, 2008