Education Dept. Changing Approach to Civil Rights Investigations

The Obama administration expanded investigations, looking for systemic problems. Under Betsy DeVos, investigations will be limited to specific cases.

FOX News reports:

Education Department considers narrowing civil rights workThe Education Department wants to narrow the scope of civil rights investigations at schools, focusing on individual complaints rather than systemic problems, according to a document obtained by The Associated Press.Under the Obama administration, when a student complained of discrimination in a particular class or school, the education agency would examine the case but also look at whether the incident was part of a broader, systemic problem that needs to be fixed.Proposed revisions to the department’s civil rights procedures, distributed last week among civil rights officials at the department, remove the word “systemic” from the guidelines.The changes also would allow schools a greater say in how a case is handled, compared to the student or parent who filed the complaint, and would eliminate the appeals process.The document is only a draft; a final version is expected to be published next year after suggestions and proposals from staff.The action comes as the Trump administration looks for ways of streamlining the work and trimming the budgets of many federal agencies. The administration has called for a $9 billion, or 13.5 percent, cut to the education budget, which would mean the loss of more than 40 employees out of about 570 at the agency’s Office for Civil Rights.

Tags: Betsy Devos, College Insurrection