University Students Given Trigger Warnings About Shakespeare – In England

This is so pathetic. If you need trigger warnings for Shakespeare, you belong in a rubber room, not a college classroom.

The Independent UK reports:

Cambridge University students given trigger warnings for Shakespeare playsAcademics have criticised “trigger warnings” after Cambridge University students were warned about “potentially distressing topics” in plays by Shakespeare.English literature undergraduates were apparently cautioned that a lecture focusing on Titus Andronicus and The Comedy of Errors would include “discussions of sexual violence” and “sexual assault”.According to The Telegraph, the trigger warnings were posted in the English Faculty’s ‘Notes on Lectures’ document which is circulated to students at the university.Academics have expressed concern that colleges trying to protect young adults from certain issues may render them incapable of dealing with real life when they graduate.Supporters of trigger warnings say they serve to help students who may be upset if a text reminds them of a personal traumatic experience.However critics such as Mary Beard, a Professor of Classics at Cambridge, say allowing students to avoid learning about traumatic episodes of history and literature is “fundamentally dishonest”.Beard said previously: “We have to encourage students to be able to face that, even when they find they’re awkward and difficult for all kinds of good reasons.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Trigger Warning