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Study Finds Diversity Educators Are Burning Out Due to Microaggressions

Study Finds Diversity Educators Are Burning Out Due to Microaggressions

“emotional weight”

This reads like something out of the Onion but it’s real.

The Daily Caller reports:

Professors: ‘Diversity Educators’ Suffer From Burnout Due To Microaggressions

So-called “Diversity Educators” are suffering from burnout due to the “emotional weight” of their jobs, according to a recent academic journal article published this week in the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.

The study, written by University of North Carolina-Charlotte professor Ryan Miller and six colleagues from the University of North Texas, interviewed seven interviewed diversity educators from a “predominantly white research institution” who claim that they suffer from “compassion fatigue,” “burnout,” and “racial battle fatigue” in their efforts to combat microaggressions on campus.

According to Miller, the burnout is caused by the diversity educators’ “consistent exposure to various microaggressions” from students who don’t see things their way. He notes that these microaggressions have been conceptualized by some scholars “as forms of assault and torture.”

The article, which was highlighted Friday by Campus Reform, describes the burnout as a “gradual wearing down of individuals entrenched in the work of helping others as diversity educators.”


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nordic_prince | October 8, 2017 at 6:18 pm

Gee…it’s like they never even realized that chip they’ve been carrying on their shoulder actually weighs a ton.

Did they ever consider the reason why so many are arguing with them is because their views are simply wrong?

These psycho cases got a “Gimmee” degree in studying their personal hang ups. And now have found their hang ups have come back.

No, this is what happens when idiots find out that their personal unicorn isn’t real. Their whole belief system collapses. We conservatives call this state of being, “reality”.

As best I can understand it, “microaggresion” is basically a word meaning, “no offense too trivial to be upset about.”

So yeah, I find the story totally believable. It has to be exhausting to walk around in a perpetual state of outrage. Burnout sounds completely plausible. Self-caused, but plausible.

People lacking self control … is not the same as diversity …