Students at Tufts Propose Feminist Economics as Alternative to Capitalism
“professors subtly indoctrinate students towards an acceptance of capitalism”
Why not? Just look at all the countries all over the world which are flourishing under feminist economics?
The Daily Caller reports:
Tufts University Students Propose Feminist Economics As An Alternative To Free Market Capitalism
Students at Tufts University are outraged that their school’s Economics Department promotes what they claim to be “capitalist ideologies” rather than social justice.
They claim that capitalism derives profit from the “tearing apart of livelihoods and families of color through its legacy of racism,” and cite feminist economics as a viable alternative.
In an op-ed for the Tufts Observer, students Gabriela Bonfiglio and Kyle Lui complain that the lessons offered by economics professors subtly indoctrinate students towards an acceptance of capitalism.
The article, titled “Moving Beyond Capitalism,” published on September 25 and highlighted on Campus Reform Tuesday, complains about how the university is doing little to “organize around threats to the safety of marginalized students by the Trump administration.” The students allege that the introductory economics course focused on “profit” over everything else.
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Um, how would “feminist economics” be different from or better than capitalism? And, how did racism caused by President Trump get folded into the mix? Wouldn’t their time be better spent learning to make a decent biscuit from scratch?
They should probably just strike a rare blow for reality and rename the Economics Dept the “Department of Marginal Studies”.
they should go ahead and put their theories to w*rk there on campus, so as to demonstrate their superior outcomes, vice capitalism…
i’m sure the results would be instructive for all concerned… make that “humorous” for those of us watching, and frustrating as hell for them.
but they still wouldn’t learn anything from the exercise.
While they are at it, if there is a veterinary science program, make sure to replace the equine science portion with a special, separate, department devoted to the care and feeding of pixie-dust-fed unicorns.
Heck, make it the school’s mascot while they’re at it.
After that they can harness the infinite power than can be extracted from the precious unicorn farts.
That will be come the major economic engine for the fabled and historically successful Feminist Economic Society.
OK. Let them start their own school from scratch.
If this was made into a movie and released only ten years ago, then no one would have believed it to ever be possible and it would have been a terror sci-fi movie in the Twilight Zone genre. What truly terrifies me about this entire situation is that so many of these lunatics actually believe this crap.
Unfortunately there really is such a thing as “feminist dconomics” as an academic field; for example, see:
As for how it differs from economics, well, few will be surprised that it sometimes deals in grievances (against, what else, “patriarchy”), or that it has a very keen interest in “social provisioning” of goods and services consumed by women (i.e., free stuff).