Panetta: Intel Committee Needs to Investigate DNC, Hillary Campaign Role in Trump Dossier

Earlier this week we learned that the DNC and failed Hillary Clinton campaign had paid for the debunked Trump dossier.

Former CIA chief Leon Panetta stated that the Intelligence Committee will need to “get into this, determine just exactly what happened, who knew what and when.”

Newsmax reports:

Former CIA Director Leon Panetta said Thursday that Congress must investigate how the Democratic National Committee did not know about payments to Fusion GPS for an unsubstantiated Russian dossier on President Donald Trump.”Knowing presidential campaigns, they’re big operations and somehow the left hand may not know what the right hand is doing,” Panetta, who also served as defense secretary under former President Barack Obama, told Wolf Blitzer on CNN.”The committee is going to have to get into this, determine just exactly what happened, who knew what and when,” he said.. . . . Panetta told Blitzer that, regardless, the identities of all those who paid the opposition-research firm for the information should be disclosed.”It is important, at least to know, who was pulling the strings here in terms of the research.”

Tags: 2016 Election, DNC, Hillary Clinton