Harvard Adds ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day to Columbus Day on School Calendar

It’s now a dual holiday. How long do you think it’ll take them to drop Columbus?

The College Fix reports:

Harvard adds ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’ to school calendarHarvard has added a new holiday to its calendar, one that seeks to recognize “indigenous people” alongside a famous explorer.The school recently designated the second Monday in October as “Indigenous Peoples’ Day,” the same day that the school recognizes Columbus Day, The Harvard Crimson reports.The newly designated indigenous holiday is “a celebration of our survival in that we’re still here, thriving, even though it’s not really known,” one Native American activist, Ashley Hamilton, claimed.The school “quietly” designated the holiday, according to The Crimson. “We were not talked to,” Hamilton told the newspaper.The installation of the holiday comes after the city of Cambridge voted to change the name of Columbus Day altogether; the city did not make the holiday a dual-name day but changed it entirely to Indigenous Peoples’ Day, according to The Boston Globe.

Tags: College Insurrection, Harvard