Wednesday, the Boy Scouts announced that beginning next year, they’d allow girls in some of their programs. We blogged about that extensively here.
The Girl Scouts have responded and they’re not happy. They’ve accused dwindling Boy Scout membership for the about-face in policy:
JUST IN: Girl Scouts responds to Boy Scouts' decision to admit girls. Here are excerpts of my conversation with an executive. pic.twitter.com/UVQy1z2Wkl
— Tasneem N (@TasneemN) October 11, 2017
Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

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Membership in both the BSA and GSA has declined about 30% over the past decade and a half. Some time ago, the national leadership of the Girl Scouts was taken over by feminists who have decreased attention to traditional Girl Scout activities including camping and merit badges. This has alienated some local leaders and parents who are looking for a traditional scouting experience for their kids, not indoctrination to be the next generation of activists.
The fast that the Girl Scouts organization sees this as a competitive threat is a good thing. If they were so confident that they’re so much better at serving girls, they would have welcomed the competition (or at least made a public statement embracing the idea).
The ladies protest too much, methinks.
So the boys will be mansplaining scouting to the girls then…or boysplaining
It was over for the BSA when they allowed homosexual Scout Leaders. What responsible parent would allow their young son to go camping with a potential pedophile? Sir Baden Powell is turning over in his grave.
Apparently, pedophiles are rarely homosexuals. However, my issue with this issue is that while homosexuals make up a tiny percentage of people, it seemed to me that allowing leaders, and then Scouts, in the program was making it appear to be “mainstream” r “normal”. Just my 2 cents.
The proper question is not “what percentage of pedophiles are homosexual,” but rather “what percentage of homosexuals are pedophiles.”
I was a Brownie/ Girl Scout for almost ten years. Earned Curved Bar rank as well as Marian Award.
Eagle Scout status is wonderful , but also over hyped. I’d put my Girl Scout project up against Eagle Scout requirements.
Not a competition. Just saying that each organization can foster leadership skills.
I was one of the very last Curved Bar Girl Scouts. My 4 daughters were all scouts and I led GS troops. My granddaughters were scouts – until the Girl Scouts developed a “curriculum”, all of the badges were not only dumbed down but had a set community service project not chosen by the girls that could not be changed, and instead of going off to not-inexpensive summer camp for a week or two and coming home with several badges the girls came home with only a few requirements fulfilled. The Girl Scout organization accepting money from the drug companies to push the unproven HPV vaccine onto 11 and 12 year old girls was the last straw. After nearly 70 years we are not Girl Scouts anymore.
Meanwhile, I did notice in my years as a GS Leader when my girls were young that the Boy Scouts have more than a few badges my girls and the girls in my troops would have loved to earn. If those are now open to girls as well as boys, so be it. The days of Jane watching while Dick and Spot run are gone.
The values that made this country, and other Western nations, great is under assault ALL THE TIME from the Left/Progressives/Soros-funded “New World Order” globalists and this is just the latest insanity. I prefer to invoke “Kindergarten Cop” and “The Princess Bride” myself.
The values that made this country disappeared from Girl Scouting long ago. Sadly.