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Cornell Yanks Advertisements From Breitbart and Other Political Websites

Cornell Yanks Advertisements From Breitbart and Other Political Websites

“our ads will no longer appear on any platforms that Google has classified as political”

An alum complained so now everyone loses out, left and right.

The Cornell Daily Sun reports:

Cornell Removes Advertisements From Breitbart, Political Websites

Cornell restricted advertisements for its online certificate program, eCornell, from appearing on political websites after an alumnus raised concerns on Tuesday about one of the University’s ads appearing on Breitbart, the conservative news outlet.

The University has never previously requested that its eCornell postings not appear on specific websites, Paul Krause, associate vice provost for online learning at Cornell and the head of eCornell, said in a statement to The Sun. But, after being alerted to the advertisement’s placement on the website, Cornell, which purchases ads through Google Display Network, changed its settings.

“We have recently worked with Google to ensure that our ads will no longer appear on any platforms that Google has classified as political in nature,” Krause said.

The move follows a wave of companies that have kept their ads from appearing on Breitbart, the conservative news website frequently accused of publishing racist articles and conspiracy theories, and which is run by former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon.

In May of this year, 26 brands advertised on, down from 242 in March, according to MediaRadar, a firm that tracks internet advertisements. The conservative website, and others, have faced pressure from groups like Sleeping Giants, which urges advertisers to keep their ads away from websites the group deems racist or sexist.


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“We have recently worked with Google to ensure that our ads will no longer appear on any platforms that Google has classified as political in nature,” Krause said.

Given that Google is reliably far-left, this will only affect conservative and centrist websites. The ads will still appear on leftist sites.