Columbia Prof Claims Speech by Right Wing Politician Was an Act of Violence
“a form of harassment and discrimination”
Once again, the left justifies the stifling of free speech by equating it with violence.
The Washington Free Beacon reports:
Columbia Professor: Speech From Right-Wing Politician Constituted ‘An Act of Violence’
A professor at Columbia University recently argued that he was justified in shutting down a speech by a far-right British politician because his speech represented an act of violence.
Tommy Robinson, co-founder and former leader of the anti-immigration and anti-Islam English Defense League, previously served as a leader in Britain’s far-right British Freedom Party. Columbia University College Republicans invited Robinson to give a talk on “The Fall of Europe: Mass Immigration” via Skype on Oct. 10.
The Columbia Daily Spectator, the school’s student newspaper, reported that the speech was immediately interrupted and shut down by shouting left-wing protesters. Many of the protesters carried signs reading “hate speech = violence.”
In an op-ed the following week, doctoral fellow and Law School faculty member Kayum Ahmed wrote that he was under investigation by the administration for taking part in the demonstration, but defended doing so.
Ahmed said he filed a formal discrimination complaint before the speech, asking for it to be shut down.
“Mr. Robinson’s invitation to speak on campus not only violates my dignity but constitutes an act of violence, [and] is a form of harassment and discrimination,” he wrote Columbia’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
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Kayum Ahmed thinks speech is violence? This overeducated idiot should be airdropped over Syria. Then he’ll quickly realize what real violence looks like.
By the way, here’s a pic of this fool:
This suppression of the civil rights of half the country is going to continue until AG Sessions starts prosecuting it. We need a real AG! Sessions refuses to prosecute political crimes because he is afraid of appearing partisan. Just enforce the damned laws.
“Mr. Robinson’s invitation to speak on campus not only violates my dignity but constitutes an act of violence …”
If only Columbia’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action had thte courage to reply, “Stop acting like a two-year old already! If you don’t like what someone’s saying, ignore it.”
For why would Ahmed limit his objection to speech “on campus”? It’s not as if he’s likely to hear this speech if he chooses not to, but even if this speech were to take place elsewhere (anywhere) he might inadvertantly hear it when he clicks on something on the Internet.
And even if he doesn’t actually hear it, isn’t merely knowing that it exists the real problem? Therefore, does he not have a natural to take arms against this sea of troubles. And by opposing end them?
If Ahmed’s outrage is that someone somewhere may be saying something that he finds offensive, then surely the poor man must feel tortured! Would Columbia’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action object if we were to refer to him as “Ahmed Agonisted”?