U. Miami Offers Full Scholarships to DACA Students

If Trump ends the program as expected, lots of schools will probably do this as a form of protest.

Campus Reform reports:

University of Miami offers full scholarships to DACA studentsThe University of Miami is now providing scholarships covering 100 percent of the “demonstrated financial need” of DACA students who reside in Florida.The “U Dreamers Program”—which promises to cover tuition and fees, room and board, a meal plan, and student health insurance—is “renewable for up to four academic years or such time [as is] required to complete the baccalaureate degree.”UM estimates that the total cost of attendance for an undergraduate student living on campus is slightly more than $66,000, of which at least $62,000 would be covered by the U Dreamers Program.DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is an Obama-era policy that protects illegal immigrants who were brought to the country as children from deportation, and also authorizes them to work in the United States.Apart from DACA status, incoming freshmen must have attended an accredited Florida high school, while transfer students can qualify for the financial aid as long as they “attend a regionally accredited institution in the State of Florida” and “have completed or will soon complete 60 credit hours or more at the time of application.”Students also must meet the university’s academic requirements, which for incoming freshman entail a minimum high school GPA of 3.2 and an SAT score of at least 1100 or ACT score of at least 21. Transfer students must maintain a 3.5 college GPA.

Tags: College Insurrection, DACA, Immigration