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Student Paper at U. Florida Accuses Trump of Exploiting Hurricane Harvey

Student Paper at U. Florida Accuses Trump of Exploiting Hurricane Harvey

“No handshakes, no comforting words, no hugs.”

Students at the University of Florida have a hurricane of their own to worry about this weekend. It’s going to be worse than Harvey, too.

Campus Reform reports:

Student paper accuses Trump of exploiting Harvey for profit

The editorial board of the University of Florida’s student newspaper recently claimed that President Trump callously used Hurricane Harvey to “make money for himself.”

Citing a tweet from comedian Billy Eichner, who claimed that Trump’s response to the tragedy was “barely human,” the Independent Florida Alligator goes on to criticize the president for offering “no handshakes, no comforting words, [and] no hugs” to the victims, despite a popular picture that circulated showing Trump hugging a child who suffered through the event.

“Our president has yet to meet with any victim of the storm. Not a single one. No handshakes, no comforting words, no hugs. Not even an attempt to show his constituents he cares about their well-being,” the editors contest, adding that while “customarily” world leaders “do what they can to make sure victims know the country cares,” Trump “didn’t get this memo.”

Indeed, the editorial complains that Trump seemed to “be using the disaster as an opportunity to promote the sales of his new baseball caps” through his campaign website.

“All of the money made from the sales of these hats will be going toward his re-election campaign. So far at every event Trump has appeared at concerning Harvey, he has been sporting one of these hats,” the editorial elaborates, claiming that he has “clearly and blatantly been extorting [sic] this horrific event as a way to make money for himself” by taking advantage of the “free advertising” afforded by his public appearances.


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Hashtag triggered Hashtag microaggreived…I love it.

Hasn’t brain science told us that human brains aren’t fully developed until late 20’s or early 30’s? If so why does anyone care about what people with underdeveloped brains think.