Scarborough takes Victory Lap on Trump Cutting Deal With Dems

Joe Scarborough took an I-told-you-so victory lap on today’s Morning Joe. In the wake of President Trump cutting a deal with Pelosi and Schumer, the show aired a prepared montage of Joe, going back almost a year, predicting that Trump would wind up working with Dems, with whom, according to Scarborough, he feels more comfortable.

When the montage ended, an admiring Mika Brzezinski said, “your gut had it from the get-go. And it’s really fun to watch.”

Note: in the montage, Joe repeatedly predicts that Trump would put together a coalition of 175 or so Republicans, and 40-45 Democrats. In fact, it’s more likely that Trump will get virtually all Dems as a block because Nancy tells them to vote that way, or he’s going to get none of them. This is not a situation in which some moderate Democrats will come over to his side.

Note segundo: if Joe can produce tape of himself predicting that the Kansas City Chiefs would beat Tom Brady’s Patriots by 15 points, I’ll really start believing in his powers of prognostication!

JOE SCARBOROUGH: I think it’s going to be so surprising to a lot of Republicans to see that Donald Trump is more comfortable talking to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer . . . He’s never hung out with guys like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan . . . You get 175 Republicans and you get 40 to 45 Democrats . . . If you want to have a coalition in the House that gets 175 Republicans, 40, 45 Democrats, you want somebody like Donald Trump. That can get both sides together and talk . . . I think [Trump] will roll right over [the Freedom Caucus and fiscal hawks] and Democrats . . . Democrats for massive infrastructure spending . . . Start with infrastructure, you can get Democrats and Republicans on board . . . Why did they start with health care after they stuck their hand on the same stove Bill Clinton did in ’93 and Obama did in 2009? Why are they going back to it? They’re like “zzzzz” [imitates putting hand on stove]. Oh, that hurt! Zzzzz! . . . If you wade into Obamacare, it’s going to be a disaster.MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Okay! So why did you say — I know: he’s a Democrat, that’s one. But your gut had it from the get-go. And it’s really fun to watch. 

Tags: Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe, MSNBC