Rep. Scalise Heads Back to Congress After Being Shot
Something to celebrate

God bless Rep. Steve Scalise. After being shot and critically wounded at a Congressional baseball practice game in June, Rep. Scalise heads back to Congress for the first time.
From Politico:
It’s Scalise’s first time in the Capitol since he took a bullet to the hip while practicing with the Republican congressional baseball team in Alexandria, Va. The shot shattered bone and tore through muscles and organs, leaving Scalise on the brink of death.
But after months of treatment and steady recovery, Scalise made his first journey from the hospital to the hill.
It’s sure to be a welcome sight for lawmakers, who once feared they may never see their colleague again and greeted him warmly.
Though he’s been absent from Congress, Scalise has worked the phones to try to help the House prepare for a hectic fall agenda.
Scalise’s office said he will be resuming his work at the Capitol, while also completing an extended period of out-patient rehabilitation over the coming months.
Scalise was shot while playing second base in preparation for an annual charity game against congressional Democrats. The shooting, by a lone gunman who appeared to attempt a political assassination, was a harrowing moment that rippled across Washington and the country. Lawmakers offered vivid descriptions of dodging bullets and fleeing the gunman until Scalise’s Capitol Police detail was able to take him down.
Rep. Scalise was greeted with a standing ovation:
House floor gives standing ovation to Rep. Steve Scalise who returned to Capitol Hill after being shot in the Alexandria shooting in June.
— ABC News (@ABC) September 28, 2017
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Well, now that he has come back, expect the MSM to start non-stop coverage reliving the original attack, highlighting how a deranged leftist/Democrat/Bernie supporter launched a terror attack against innocent Republicans on a baseball diamond and….oh, wait…
… followed by more calls for gun control… Oh, wait. It was only a Republican. There will be calls for federally sponsored marksmanship programs.