Prof Wears Bulletproof Vest in Class to Protest Campus Carry

Don’t you think seeing your professor wearing a bulletproof vest would be a bit of a distraction?

The Daily Kansan reported:

Bulletproof professor: Kevin Willmott protesting concealed carry by wearing vest in classKevin Willmott, a professor of film and media studies at the University, taught his first class last Tuesday with a bulletproof vest over his clothes.“Try to forget that I’m wearing a vest, and I’ll try to forget that you could be packing a .44 magnum,” Willmott said.At the start of his Aug. 22 class, Willmott distributed a letter that said he is wearing a bulletproof vest to protest the new campus carry law. The law, which came into effect July 1, allows anyone over the age of 21 to carry a concealed weapon on University campuses.“The disturbing part of the policy for me is that it is concealed,” Willmott said. “It’s kind of a don’t ask, don’t tell kind of a policy, and so, you’re just kind of expected to forget that they’re probably there. And in that sense, you’re kind of living in a lie.”Willmott said the concealed nature of the law reminds him of a “nice/nasty” type of segregation practiced in Lawrence during the 1950s.When doing research for his film “Jayhawkers,” which tells the story of Kansas basketball player Wilt Chamberlain, Willmott said the people he spoke to often had no knowledge of the racial segregation taking place around them.He said that instead of large signs, businesses would opt for smaller signs that went unnoticed.

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