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Prager U: Are Some Cultures Better Than Others?

Prager U: Are Some Cultures Better Than Others?

Or are all cultures and their values equal?

In the latest from Prager U, Dinesh D’Souza discusses the issue of cultural superiority.

From Prager U:

Are some cultures better than others? Or are all cultures and their values equal? Bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza, who was born in India and moved to America, explains.

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The D’Souza video was excellent. Thank you.

In MY culture, we beieve and assert that our culture is superior to all others. If you dispute that, you either must claim that YOUR culture is superior to mine, or that my culture has the inferior belief that some cultures are superior to others. In either case, you are rebutting the assertion that all cultures are equal.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 23, 2017 at 2:23 pm

Why D’Souza how can you argue that?

Every Communist-Nazi-Leftist-Progressive-Democrat-Party member knows all cultures are the same.

Just like they know all autos are the same whether it is their half-million dollar Rolls Royce they own or the beat up 18 year old Yugo they force their maid to drive.