Poll Says Virginians Want Colleges to be Safe Spaces

What’s the point of going to college if you’re going to be coddled and sheltered?

The Daily Caller reports:

SHOCK POLL: Virginia Residents Want Colleges To Be SAFE SPACES Where Free Speech Is CensoredVirginia Commonwealth University’s Office of Public Policy Outreach conducted the poll in mid-July — about a month before the events in Charlottesville and at the University of Virginia. The school released the findings late last week.“A very narrow majority” of the 806 adult Virginia residents polled said they think colleges and universities should emphasize “protecting everyone on campus from discrimination, even if it means there are negative consequences for voicing one’s opinions.”Just 40 percent of the poll participants said colleges and universities should emphasize “allowing everyone on campus to have unlimited freedom of expression, even if it means some groups of people may face discrimination.”Five percent of the survey respondents said they want colleges and universities to protect people from discriminatory language while somehow simultaneously allowing unlimited free speech.Another five percent had no opinion or refused to answer the question.About 40 percent of self-described Republicans said protecting people from hearing about discrimination is more important than free speech.

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